From fat to In shape in 22 months, 2 cycles.


Well-known member
Good fucking job brother!
That's one hell of a transformation!
Especially in such a short time.
It took me almost 3 years for mine... But the first year I was natty.
What was your start and end weight? And also did you immediately start gear?
Your biceps and shoulders 😯... Basically my end goal right there... Fuckin killing it!
We have a few members like myself who have had some awesome transformations... But I think you might have us beat on just how fucking fast you did it!
22 months is crazy!
I went from 137lb to 193lb in 3 years (still upset because I missed 60lbs in 3 years by 4lbs) I'm sure your weight change isn't as crazy, but you're physical appearance... Yeah... I think you have me beat!
Just fuckin incredible...
Can you share a little more about your life... The reason you started lifting? Why you decided to get on gear?
What did you run for those cycles and how long?
Are you blasting and cruising or cycling and PCT?
Also height, weight and age?

I still can't believe how fast you did that... You have some awesome genetics brother... And I'm not taking anything away from you. I know genetics are only a small amount compared to training hard and diet. But you are definitely gifted as far as responding to gear! I've seen people be on gear for 5 years and not come close to this.


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Good fucking job brother!
That's one hell of a transformation!
Especially in such a short time.
It took me almost 3 years for mine... But the first year I was natty.
What was your start and end weight? And also did you immediately start gear?
Your biceps and shoulders 😯... Basically my end goal right there... Fuckin killing it!
We have a few members like myself who have had some awesome transformations... But I think you might have us beat on just how fucking fast you did it!
22 months is crazy!
I went from 137lb to 193lb in 3 years (still upset because I missed 60lbs in 3 years by 4lbs) I'm sure your weight change isn't as crazy, but you're physical appearance... Yeah... I think you have me beat!
Just fuckin incredible...
Can you share a little more about your life... The reason you started lifting? Why you decided to get on gear?
What did you run for those cycles and how long?
Are you blasting and cruising or cycling and PCT?
Also height, weight and age?

I still can't believe how fast you did that... You have some awesome genetics brother... And I'm not taking anything away from you. I know genetics are only a small amount compared to training hard and diet. But you are definitely gifted as far as responding to gear! I've seen people be on gear for 5 years and not come close to this.
That’s an amazing transformation brother!!! I was well built in high school around 190 and I’m tall so I have to put a lot of meat on to “look big” my arms are so damn long. As for anabolics I jumped right in.

First cycle was as follows

Week 1-6: 500 test

Week 6-10:500 test 300 mast

Week 10-16: 650 test 450 mast

Second cycle as follows:

Week 1-6: 600 test 400 mast

Week 6-11: 650 test 500 mast

Week 11-16: 650 test 500 mast 40var/10tbol

(Novorapid as needed with high carb meals)

Currently Cruising at 120 test/100 mast 37.5 mics t3 daily, 2ius gh am before cardio, 4ius before bed and post workout.

Planning a cycle for mid June will be pretty much the same just no orals, 300 NPP. Starting calories will be moderate, more than likely pulling the gh as it’s quite expensive or drop to 3 ius before bed.
@Gainz. you got absolutely jacked, you went from a normal guy to super human. Probably strong as fuck, and look better than 99% of people in any room at any given time. Love it


Well-known member
Yeah I was tiny in high school 5'8 110lbs. But luckily I didn't stop growing until I was 24. Then I was 6ft 176lb. And I was working out from 18-26 even hit a 300lb bench.
But then I got hurt.. let pills get the better of me... Plus a toxic relationship. And that's why 3 years old I was 6ft 137lbs.
Going from 137-160 happened... Pretty fuckin quick. But then I just stopped... For months. Then I hopped on gear.
Have you tried tren or primo?
That's my next step... Well.. I've already taken tren a bunch... I'm on tren now 😂🤣.
But judging by your genetics and damn near being a hyper responder..
I would love to see what would happen if you were to try tren.
My next blast will be
650 test
300 tren
200-300 mast
200-300 primo.
I have a feeling your already developed arms and shoulders would absolutely blow up with tren!

Especially mast and tren... Stacking the 2 really helps combat the negatives of tren.
The only negative sides I get from tren (with mast) is a sex drive that's almost uncomfortable! I'm never in a bad mood, no night sweats... A tiny bit of insomnia but that was fixed with 3-6mg of melatonin (depending on the night)
I know all the nightmare stories of tren out there... But most of us here are on it. And so far the biggest side effect and reasons people have stopped was it made them too tired. Not a side effect I've ever had.
Yeah I was tiny in high school 5'8 110lbs. But luckily I didn't stop growing until I was 24. Then I was 6ft 176lb. And I was working out from 18-26 even hit a 300lb bench.
But then I got hurt.. let pills get the better of me... Plus a toxic relationship. And that's why 3 years old I was 6ft 137lbs.
Going from 137-160 happened... Pretty fuckin quick. But then I just stopped... For months. Then I hopped on gear.
Have you tried tren or primo?
That's my next step... Well.. I've already taken tren a bunch... I'm on tren now 😂🤣.
But judging by your genetics and damn near being a hyper responder..
I would love to see what would happen if you were to try tren.
My next blast will be
650 test
300 tren
200-300 mast
200-300 primo.
I have a feeling your already developed arms and shoulders would absolutely blow up with tren!

Especially mast and tren... Stacking the 2 really helps combat the negatives of tren.
The only negative sides I get from tren (with mast) is a sex drive that's almost uncomfortable! I'm never in a bad mood, no night sweats... A tiny bit of insomnia but that was fixed with 3-6mg of melatonin (depending on the night)
I know all the nightmare stories of tren out there... But most of us here are on it. And so far the biggest side effect and reasons people have stopped was it made them too tired. Not a side effect I've ever had.
I’ve only ever taken test/mast/var/tbol/gh/slin lol “only” but I was thinking about throwing 300 npp in my next cycle. I just feel really good on mast tbh, and the slow lean gains come in real nice for me. I notice it the most around week 10.


Well-known member
I’ve only ever taken test/mast/var/tbol/gh/slin lol “only” but I was thinking about throwing 300 npp in my next cycle. I just feel really good on mast tbh, and the slow lean gains come in real nice for me. I notice it the most around week 10.

I've only taken... Every kind of test, e,c, ace, pro, p, d, suspension -base, deca, EQ, tren, tren e, tren ace, tren suspension, mast e and mast p, dbol, anadrol and anavar. Plus SARMs like rad, Mk 677 and the really common shitty one... Ostarine... That was shit.
And I fucking love mast... By far my favorite!
I run it non stop. On cruise I run 125mg of test and 100mg of mast. Keeps my bloods perfect, no need for ai and I get the libido boost.
But test tren and mast... There's a reason why we call it the "Holy Trinity" here.
You see results almost every 4 days.
And I'm the same way brother, I don't bulk and cut either. I just slowly get bigger.
I focus on 3,200-3,700cals per day, 300g of protein per day, as much carbs as I can get and try... Try to keep fats and sugar low.
I honestly don't know how people can bulk and cut... Well cutting sure. That's easy for me... But bulking 🤢. Any time I go over 4k calories I feel like shit.

But... I'm debating on getting as close to 200-205lb as I can before the summer and during the summer just getting fuckin shredded! Like 8% body fat. I'm probably sitting around 12%... Maybe 11% now.
I just found a spot 20mins away that does those hydrostatic body fat things for $85 bucks. Really thinking about doing it during the summer.

I feel like everyone is on hgh now... I wish it didn't scare the shit out of me so much. Because everyone that's on it... You guys are having some awesome results!
It's just that I'm not trying to get too much bigger than I am. Only want a total body weight of 215lb and 10-12% bf. Basically how I look now... But with more mass. I just want that impressive size ya know. Mostly bigger back (what I would do for some decent lats) bigger traps and as close to 18" arms as I can get. Everything else I'm pretty happy with. The goal is to get to 215lb and then really perfect my aesthetics... Getting my proportions just right.


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I've only taken... Every kind of test, e,c, ace, pro, p, d, suspension -base, deca, EQ, tren, tren e, tren ace, tren suspension, mast e and mast p, dbol, anadrol and anavar. Plus SARMs like rad, Mk 677 and the really common shitty one... Ostarine... That was shit.
And I fucking love mast... By far my favorite!
I run it non stop. On cruise I run 125mg of test and 100mg of mast. Keeps my bloods perfect, no need for ai and I get the libido boost.
But test tren and mast... There's a reason why we call it the "Holy Trinity" here.
You see results almost every 4 days.
And I'm the same way brother, I don't bulk and cut either. I just slowly get bigger.
I focus on 3,200-3,700cals per day, 300g of protein per day, as much carbs as I can get and try... Try to keep fats and sugar low.
I honestly don't know how people can bulk and cut... Well cutting sure. That's easy for me... But bulking 🤢. Any time I go over 4k calories I feel like shit.

But... I'm debating on getting as close to 200-205lb as I can before the summer and during the summer just getting fuckin shredded! Like 8% body fat. I'm probably sitting around 12%... Maybe 11% now.
I just found a spot 20mins away that does those hydrostatic body fat things for $85 bucks. Really thinking about doing it during the summer.

I feel like everyone is on hgh now... I wish it didn't scare the shit out of me so much. Because everyone that's on it... You guys are having some awesome results!
It's just that I'm not trying to get too much bigger than I am. Only want a total body weight of 215lb and 10-12% bf. Basically how I look now... But with more mass. I just want that impressive size ya know. Mostly bigger back (what I would do for some decent lats) bigger traps and as close to 18" arms as I can get. Everything else I'm pretty happy with. The goal is to get to 215lb and then really perfect my aesthetics... Getting my proportions just right.
Incredible transformation bro I can’t emphasize that enough! My trt is 120 test 100 mast I love that some other guys are doing that too. As for the hgh I wouldn’t worry too much about it unless you push it really high. I really started to transform with novorapid and white rice. That’s when I started filling the fuck out bro. When I run out of that I usually get the 70/30 from Walmart no script required


Well-known member
Yeah running test and mast for trt has become quite popular... Which is kinda funny because when I started it... 8 months ago, I couldn't find any information on it.
I literally made a post on here talking about it. And everyone said "try it and let us know"
Well I tried it... And fuck me does it work well. I've been on mast consistently for almost a year now. Did a blast with it, went to try with it, now I'm at the end of a blast with it... And I still very much feel it.

You, @Lee.the.Demi.Human and myself all have a crazy fuckin transformation...
It's just crazy how 3 completely different people can have such a crazy transformation in such a short time. (Because steroids are evil 🤣😂)
All between 2 and 3 years. You fuckers are just a bit bigger than me... Lee and his fuckin lats... I'll never let that shit go 🤣😂🤣
But @Lee.the.Demi.Human I think we found another contender if we ever decide to have another "pose off"
And yes... I'm prepared to get my ass kicked... My ego is already too big... I can always use a reality check 🤣😂🤣


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@Gainz. my lats suck lol I need to bring them up big time. But steroids can be fine as long as you don’t eat like dog shit, and do cardio to keep your heart healthy. Manage blood pressure and you can run gear for a very long time. It’s usually heart and kidney issues. Eating like shit and not doing cardio with fuck your heart, and letting high bp go unmanaged for years will fuck your kidneys. If you protect those 2 things, you can pretty much blast as long as you want.


Well-known member
@Gainz. my lats suck lol I need to bring them up big time. But steroids can be fine as long as you don’t eat like dog shit, and do cardio to keep your heart healthy. Manage blood pressure and you can run gear for a very long time. It’s usually heart and kidney issues. Eating like shit and not doing cardio with fuck your heart, and letting high bp go unmanaged for years will fuck your kidneys. If you protect those 2 things, you can pretty much blast as long as you want.

What the fuck is cardio?
Is that French?
What the fuck is cardio?
Is that French?
Sorry you’re talking to an ex distance runner 😅 you know there was a time in my life where I’d wake up at 4 am to run 6-10 miles every morning. I also had 0 muscle 😂😂 Now I just walk to a movie or 2 tv shows every night on my treadmill and that gets the job done


Well-known member
Sorry you’re talking to an ex distance runner 😅 you know there was a time in my life where I’d wake up at 4 am to run 6-10 miles every morning. I also had 0 muscle 😂😂 Now I just walk to a movie or 2 tv shows every night on my treadmill and that gets the job done

I only ran if the cops were chasing me 😂😂.
But I do have a bit of cardio in my life. Not as much during the winter. But during the summer I ride my bike, walk my dogs and my girl and I are always going on hikes.
The only real cardio I get during the winter is intense 45 minute sessions with my fiancee and my heavy bag... Thinking of it... They have more in common than you'd think 😂🤣😂🤣.


Well-known member
I still can't believe you take hgh and insulin.. I can't begin to tell you how much that scares the fuck out of me.
I'll do tren... I'll even try oral tren and Halo... But hgh and insulin... I just can't.
My ex gave me an irrational fear of diabetes.
I know it's extremely rare... but running hgh... Especially with insulin can give you lifelong diabetes. I just can't do it.
I've seen countless guys get fanatic results with hgh, and I see more and more guys running insulin. I just... Fuck... I'm too traumatized from what she put me through and what I watched her go through.
Not to mention I've seen lots of people talk about how they are pretty sure insulin is what killed Rich. I'm well aware that he was on a shit ton of shit... And way more than just gear, hgh and insulin. But from what I've read, his being on lots of other shit and not being in the right state of mind lead to a over dose of insulin which put him into a coma... And the years of substance abuse and abusing gear (yes abusing gear) put his body in a weakened state which he wasn't able to recover from.

I know there's risks with everything we do... I know test and needles are too scary for some. Hence why so many guys want to do oral only or creams. Why lots of guys won't touch tren... I totally get it. It's up to the individual to judge and accept the risks. But... Hgh and insulin... I just can't do it. I'm sure I've built up the negativity too much in my head. But I went through fuckin hell for 11 years because of diabetes. She suffered from Charcot bone disease, neuropathy, hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia. Blood sugar as low as 17 and as high as 933. Both should have killed her, and the 933 put her in a coma for 8 days. We were all saying our goodbyes around day 6. She went blind for 3 months, more infections (blood infections, staff infections) than I could ever list. Lost a toe... Then another and another... And another and another then they finally took her foot over the summer. They will take her other foot in 18 months. Plus her kidneys and heart failing and her coding when she was pregnant with my daughter. And so... So much more... Talking something bad happening every 2-3 months for the past (was with her for 11, been with My fiancee for 5.5 plus the few months I was single... So...) 17 years (she's the mother of my 2 kids so she's still a part of my life) so yeah for the past 17 years diabetes has been this constant nightmare. Not to mention... My fiancees ex is a diabetic. The father of her kid. So all 3 of our kids are at risk. Both of our ex's were diagnosed at 16 years old, and not because they were fat. My ex was actually pretty skinny up until 3 years ago (once she realized we were never getting back together she started putting on some weight 😂🤣, I just can't believe it took her that long to figure that out. I knew the second we split we were never getting back together)

So... Do you think my fear of getting diabetes is... Rational? Irrational? Am I just being a pussy?
Idk... Maybe in a few more years after a long amount of research I might try a small amount of hgh. But for right now... My fear is just too much. The risk vs reward just isn't there for me.

But I have to ask... You're getting fast acting insulin from Walmart without a script? How much are you paying? Because I remember times during those 11 years when she didn't have insurance and I was paying $400-500 a vial and she needed 1.5-2 vials a month.
Are you really spending that much?
Ok there’s a lot to unpack here, I’ll try to cover everything I can. There’s actually a lower risk to your health running hgh and slin because your hitting multiple different anabolic pathways. It alows you to take less androgens, which we know can be detrimental to your health, but get the same if not better results.

Rich Piana was 300 pounds at 46, taking steroids for 25 years, and abusing cocaine and opiates while being that big at that age. His wife came out and said he had a bad synthol injection that hit an artery and what happens is it basically caused an aneurysm, synthol is just silicone essentially so if it gets into the bloodstream your dead.

The dose of gh im taking is too low to cause any real insulin resistance, insulin is the most anabolic hormone you can take, and it also gives your pancreas a break. So this can actually be good for you in the long run if you’re pushing carbs hard because eventually your beta cells burn out and you become insulin resistant leading to diabetes.

As for the no script insulin at Walmart it’s 25$ for Novolin R 70/30 a blend of long and slow acting bioidentical human insulin. They also have Novolin rapid which is just fast acting insulin for 25$ too. You just walk to the pharmacy and say I want to buy insulin, it’s that easy.

By hitting those 3 pathways I can take say 1g-1200mgs of total anabolics and get the results of let’s say 2g+ of gear without getting the side effects of 2gs+

But with insulin you have to have a basic understanding of it. Never take it based on the carbs you eat, take it based on your blood glucose number, check it after a meal. Also don’t use fast acting insulin with slow digesting carbs.

Me personally I would worry more about orals and tren than gh and slin. Just my 2cents!

The gh is so expensive Ill probably drop it, but I sleep so damn good on it!


Well-known member
Oh I'm well aware of the benefits of hgh, and the difference between anti aging and using it for muscle growth. And after I asked about the price I went and looked at it. It's a much different type of insulin. Mostly used for type 2 diabetes.
Increasing protein synthesis after meals... I totally get it.
And yeah the Rich thing... I've heard both stories. But I was a junkie for years...over a decade. And I'm not exactly a spring chicken... So how my organs actually are... 🤷‍♂️ 🤣😂.
Like I said... Irrational fear. But for some strange reason... Hgh can cause diabetes in some people. Extremely rare... But it does happen. Because of that ever so little chance.. that's enough for me not to.
Id rather die in 3 weeks because of kidney failure than live with diabetes for the next... 3 decades.
Trust me I get it... I can clearly see the benefits. Of both hgh and insulin.. it's clear as day... Just like the benefits of tren or primo.
I legit have a phobia of getting diabetes... And don't see that going anywhere for a while.
I'm not judging you, or saying you're wrong or not too... I'm not saying anything like that.
I can absolutely see why you are doing it. To be honest if that cunt didn't put me through that hell... Id probably be on it as well.

But think of it like this... Are you afraid of spiders, snakes clowns, buried alive, heights? Any phobias?

If so... Would you still take hgh if there was a small chance that one day you woke up with 2,000 spiders or snakes in your bed? Woke up next to a clown? Woke up in a casket? Woke up at the top of signal tower?

I feel like that's the best way I can explain why it scares me so much... It's irrational!
Literally the only fear I have. I own snakes, have owned spiders, OSHA confined space certified, love clowns, not bothered by heights.. nothing like that bothers me.
But getting diabetes... Fuck bro!
I don't even drink soda anymore...

But on another note... I remember someone telling me that Rich didn't inject synthol...
Then having a very one sided conversation about it. I remember saying "you're probably the type of guy who thinks the Rock is natural too"
They said "yeah... Because he is! Do you see the way he trains?"

That told me everything I needed to know 😂🤣