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  • Hey dudes.. just thrown this out there... It's been right at 3 weeks now on bcg teen 300mg per week and test at 750 per week.. not too long ago I get into a drinkn and chill slump with me ol lady and been wantn to get BK to liftn and not fuckn drinkn so much. I'm doin it now and this 3 weeks in I look in the mirror and I'm fuckn impressed. I told .y wife today I didn't think I could get BK to this point.. their tren is so fuckn subtle but potent.. feeln good . Tightening up and veins comn back . Fuck.. legit as it gets
    Nice Mitz!! Glad your feeling great! keep up the good work brother.....and yes slow down on the alcohol im happy to hear this..
    Pre-workouts how many of the brothers here on muscle gurus are running pre-workouts...well as our crew at bcg where all getting a bit older! Lmao! It sucks what can you do? Stay shrreeedddeeeeddd!!!! And we stay shredded by taking pre-workouts to give us that drive and aggression to keep pushing hard!

    boy oh boy do we have some magical ones,, meaning you pin 1ml at 1.5 hour before workout then watch out! 30% strength increase!!! Not to shabby... Pumps like you cant imagine veins popping forget it!!!! Lol holy shit the drive you get it all...

    Any questions would love to answer and point you in the right direction... bcg
    BCG111, nice to have a motivated domestic source on board. can I get access to your site? let me know what I need to do. I went on your site and entered my email [email protected]. thanks brother, looking forward to doing business
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    Reactions: BCG111
    It will send you password check spam also.let me knoeill tsr cre of it
    cool d you get in ok?
    Could you get in ok?
    We at BCG, of course, all lift weights, we fish, hunt, downhill ski, shoot multiple types of weapons,We are all pretty much outdoor enthusiasts.
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    Reactions: BCG111
    I got them. I registered on your site. Once you approve it I'll check it out.
    Still cant find where to add promom
    Thanks, dolf were starting to get it!
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