
bobby ricky
bobby ricky
Have you injected steroids before?
Yes Tren and Test 3 10 week cycles the over the last 4 years
I am already on Test 4 weeks in so far
bobby ricky
bobby ricky
Where did you get your testosterone
bobby ricky
bobby ricky
If you post this on the main page we can write longer post
Got a prescription from docs
bobby ricky
bobby ricky
Just don’t go for your blood test all jacked on deca because that’s a red flag 👍 how many mgs of test
Yeah I thought about that. I just got blood work done next one is end of December. 200mgs. They have me getting blood drained because of high red blood count but I just read I should leave it alone and not drain my blood.
bobby ricky
bobby ricky
Make sure you go in well hydrated so your pee is clear and see if that changes your rbc. Mine is usually around 50
bobby ricky
bobby ricky
Npp might be a better choice for you. It’s still nandrolone just like deca but because of the half life it leaves your system much faster for a blood test
bobby ricky
bobby ricky
But you have to shoot every 2 days instead of once a week like deca.
Deca and npp are the same drug nandrolone
bobby ricky
bobby ricky
I love npp but I hate shooting every 2 days. I do my own blood work because in my opinion most doctors don’t know shit.
bobby ricky
bobby ricky
If I suffer the symptoms of high hematocrit
I would donate but I never do. But definitely look up npp because it’s a great drug
Ok good info. thanks bud! I still have questions but this forum is not easy to get everything answered
bobby ricky
bobby ricky
And you get the effects in days where deca takes about 5 weeks 👍
bobby ricky
bobby ricky
I don’t have all the answers but I’ll do my best to help
The vial of 50mg/ml just looks like a lot to inject entire vial but some people use 400mg so that’s why I am so confused
bobby ricky
bobby ricky
Syringe preloaded? How many of these do you have?
bobby ricky
bobby ricky
Can you send picture?
So 1 ml is 50 mgs