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  1. Gainz.

    Another blast, another year!

    It's funny you think I'd get just one 😂🤣 Think I'm going to get my girl a 600lb club hoodie once she gets there. My only real debate is if I want to keep going to a 1200lb total...
  2. Gainz.

    Another blast, another year!

    We drop it low in this house! New safety squat bar attachment, new PRs! My left shoulder prevents me from putting more than 200lb on the bar during a low bar squat. But now that's no longer a problem. She hit 167lb for one and I got 303lb for 2 full deep slow reps. I have WAYYYYYY MORE in me...
  3. Gainz.

    Another blast, another year!

    Her diet really aggravates me 🤣😂. She's put on 10lbs of muscle since we started (like 6-7 weeks now) and she's eating fucking candy and shit. She has the diet of a fucking teenager... Or a 300lb person. But I can't complain... It's working for her. I told her if she actually started taking diet...
  4. Gainz.

    Another blast, another year!

    Finally got my girl to pose for some pictures. Really wish we had before pictures... But yeah... For a 39 year old mom. And this is a girl who eats whatever she wants whenever.
  5. Gainz.

    Another blast, another year!

    My girl and I both hit 10lb PRs on bench today. I'm now at 257 and she's at 127. Here's a few pictures I thought you guys might like as proof. It's amazing how I can even focus...
  6. Gainz.

    Another blast, another year!

    Oh yeah... Just not the kind you cut with a knife... 😁 And yeah my triceps and chest are still feeling it. Might apply something similar to my routine every so often. Pick a decent weight and get 40 reps. The pump I had after was nuts... And shit like that will force growth
  7. Gainz.

    Another blast, another year!

    Benched 111lbs 37 times. Born on 1/11 and turned 37 years old... It made sense to me 😂. Took about 3 minutes, a lot harder than I thought. I have video... Very slow and controlled full reps. No NFL columbine bouncing half rep bullshit!
  8. Gainz.

    Another blast, another year!

    37 years old today
  9. Gainz.

    Another blast, another year!

    Well I pulled 347lb and it felt light. So I jumped up to 387 (a 20lb PR) and it was still a little too easy. I was on Facebook live... So a little bit of ego and a whole lot of gear.... 407lb. I swear I could have kept going but I'm really trying to be smarter.
  10. Gainz.

    Another blast, another year!

    Just crushed a new deadlift PR 407lbs!! YEAH BUDDY! that's a 40lb pr With the after PR selfie
  11. Gainz.

    Another blast, another year!

    Yeah feeling strong, looking big... I think today I'm going for another deadlift PR. Last time was 367lb. So I'm going to try and break it.... Just not sure by how much
  12. Gainz.

    Another blast, another year!

    Just hit a new strict curl of 130lbs for 2!! Fuck yes! I've been stuck at 120lb forever. Every time I tried 125lb it felt like it was glued to the floor. And I think I found another shirt I need...
  13. Gainz.

    Another blast, another year!

    Yeah I'm very pleased with myself, everyone I talk to has something to say about how I look or how big I am.
  14. Gainz.

    Another blast, another year!

    What a difference a year makes
  15. Gainz.

    Another blast, another year!

    Was unaware you knew my girl... 😐
  16. Gainz.

    Another blast, another year!

    Arms are officially 16.5" Really fuckin happy about that. Just one more inch is all I want
  17. Gainz.

    Another blast, another year!

    Yeah I'm terrified of injuries. I'm ok with her on bench, no problem bailing on a deadlift. Just got new crash pads. The only one I'm nervous about is squats
  18. Gainz.

    Another blast, another year!

    Yeah I told everyone... I only fucked with volume. I had absolutely no interest in lifting heavy. Now I definitely caught the bug... Just trying to keep my ego from getting me hurt
  19. Gainz.

    Another blast, another year!

    Bro I haven't benched heavy since I was 26. I've only done volume for the past 4 years. Up until 5-6 weeks ago the most I ever really put on the bar was 180lb. I did 225 months and months ago because my girl asked if I could. But other than that... Volume has been my thing. But.. I know I...
  20. Gainz.

    Another blast, another year!

    Heavy 😂🤣😂 But oddly it was the last 4"-6" of the lockout that was the hardest. Which is odd because my triceps are fuckin strong. So over the next 2 weeks I'll work on some accessory work and then go for another PR.