All you ever need to know about pinning like a pro



I've done a quad injection multiple times, put a bandaid on it, go to gym, and realized while doing bech press it's exposed for everyone to see. You know people have seen it, and think...uh huh I know what he's doing! B12 shots of course.




First off I'm super late to this thread but I just wanted to say thank you! So much great information!  I really really appreciate it.

RazorsEdge said:
</p><p>Maybe someone can enlighten me on this but I have recently come across info on subcutanious injections for AAS. Anyone seen anything on this? I would think volume would have to be small for suc-cue (<1ml) but I have never been able to find a concenous on protocol for this practice.
</p><p>I am currently blasting a cycle but am normally on TRT... I was doing IM injections for the past few years and recently began doing subq injections.. I inject .3mL subq EOD with an insulin needle.  My test levels didn't drop at all but I've noticed less sides and I actually feel a bit better.  I think both IM and subq are great for TRT but personally I prefer subq.  I'm currently on my third week of a cycle though and am NOT attempting to inject 1mL subq... IM it is lol.</p><p>Thanks again for this awesome thread.</p>



I realize this is a rather old post but I just read this and WOW the feedback here was amazing.. From Razors specifications to members talking about hitting nerves. It explained a lot to me.. Iv only pinned for 3 cycles but the knowledge you all just supplied me was great.. Its like knowing how to ride your bike but then you learn how to pop a wheelie..

You guys are awesome..      
