

Just a reminder ,bro's when injecting ,beware be sterile ,I've seen a lot and heard a lot of horror stories lately ,and got me second guessing my own procedures ,first my hands are cleaned

1) I take a clean cotton ball,and swab the top of my vial,and then wipe sides 

2) if I'm using glute ,I swab the whole cheek thoroughly 

3) this allow area to air dry ,natty ,no wiping 

4) note once I swab ,bottle and site ,I do not touch agion until

5) already having clean hands ,I now dump a little alcohol into my hands ,before touching sterile drawing pin,

6) once drawn I change tip, 

7) if your like me ,you generally feel inject site before pinning ,its automatic ,we do it and that's why I alcohol my hands ,every thing else can be sterile ,you touch site with finger ,and infect area I always alcohol my hands

8) maybe this is over kill but the stories I've heard ,and bro's I know that end up in hospital ,taking iv ,antibiodics and surgeries 

Its Scarry bro's and its no joke one of these infections can ,make you loose a limb or worse ,you can end up in a box ,so take your time ,and be safe ,I wanted to post ,because some times we get complacent , and forget 




lol always use fresh supplies. I probably use like 6-8 swabs per injection because im ultra paranoid. My bathroom is a mess when im done. better to be safe than sorry tho for sure.

always use fresh swabs, always use new needles. and NEVER touch needle with fingers or against anything else and NEVER touch site your about to inject.

carefully select injection site also avoiding any obvious veins or hair follicles. Ive seen a nasty infection caused by injecting through a hair follucule.

follow those rules and you will likely never have to worry about infections assuming you have clean gear.





I also believe its VERY VERY wise to keep antibiotics on hand tho JUST in case.




noveskeelite said:
siegmund said:
<p>×2 bro , I guess your bathroom looks like mine</p>
<p>looks like a bomb went off lol</p>
<p>I learned hard way to make sure im standing somewhere blood cant stain anything. ive had a nice stream of blood come out on 2 separate occasions now. had to throw away a bathroom rug because of it lol</p>


New member

It's no joke that's really about how many swabs I use. Everything gets wiped. after hands are cleaned. Probly more sterile than the hospital.



New member

I dont use cotton balls because a friend of mine once caught cotton fever- i know theres no way of this happening because cotton fever is not caused by little cotton in the system.. ;Contrary to popular belief and junkie myth, cotton fever is not the result of accidentally injecting small cotton fibers into your blood, but is actually caused by an endotoxin from the bacteria Enterobacter agglomerans that can reside in picked cotton. The toxin is disolved into the drug solution, and when the injector injects the drug, the toxin causes an immediate and severe flu-and-fever like illness that can last anywhere from several hours to a day or two." by Urban Dictionary.


but i use baby wipes drenched in 90% alcohol. But i let.the the alcohol completely dry first




Im with on cotton balls. I was thi king the same thing. Its no joke.  Didnt really know how it caused the sickness by seen it happen and is definitely no joke. The fellow thought he was dying, which im sure being scared of unknown played in to his freaking out.  Awesome bro thanks for the more in depth info about it. 




This info cannot be stated too often, thanks for the reminder. I some times get sloppy, especially early morning pinning, all groggy and what not. All to often, i see my jug of isopropyl alcohol untouched with the needle in my ass cheek. Think i need to make a checklist, like one of those u see in janitorial closets! Use the fucking alcohol  first blast! Thanks seig :)





sterile is being clean., disenfecting ones skin., with kill those millions of germs we havemon us. 

oh you just took.a shower. does a.person actually know.,.next to the kitchen , the shower area carries just as much germs ?? taking the time.and trying to kill any germ.that maybe on you  , before sticking that germ.into your body , and what i mean is.  by stick that 25 g or 22g threw your skin , into your blood stream., thats at least trying to be sterile .

and i also agree cotton balls are not the way to go., i also had cotton fever alot , to much , and not from AAS , but still the same i had it , and to my understanding i honestly thought it was from a little piece of cotton ..

thankyou whoever clarified its actually a the cotton..

i have had it numeroustimes and it fucking is one of the worst experiences your body instantly gets cold.and freezing and shaking and alll its horrible.  

so i also do not use cotton balls i use every day paper towel soak it clean.area., then the bottle tops.and procede to pin ..and by the grace of the gods i have been blessed.  

but that is sterile my friend hope you understand.  

wow almost a 3 year  wow me and novelskee , brings back memorys and actually how long im here.   and hopefully another 3 coming.  



New member

I think I figured it out: STERIAL is a combination between sterile and serial.

So, a STERIAL killer would be someone who kills lots of people, but is really clean about it.





been 2 busy 2 figure it out , maybe he will like my 2's

we dont bash on people here espicially a mod so mr jestler or whatever the fuck he is AA GOD  is gone he broke a cardnial rule and i needed to check auto correct for cardnial...thanks for the insite 




well i had you banned jester , for disrespect but , where would i be if i cant take a little criticism.

you have a good holiday jester 
