Blast & cruise ?

Donnie diesel

New member

All I do is inject gear and lift heavy ass weight I'm not familiar with the lingo since I've only been juicing under a year. What exactly is blast and cruise 




Well Donnie D, blast & Cruise is something you either sign up for by screwing up not doing your cycle/PCT homework, or it's something Doc signs you up for. Hopefully Doc has made the determination, via bloodwork,  that you are a TRT canididate and not because you did what a lot of younger folks are doing and pinning everything you can get your hands on without proper research. 

Basically what blast & Cruise is at the completion of a cycle, you drop your test dosage down to a "cruise level" of say 200mg/week instead of running PCT. This is for folks who have problems producing a normal T-level or for the young bucks who screwed up their cycles and permanently shut themselves down. It a life long commitment and one you want to avoid if necessary.

Read this for a better understanding >>



New member

Blast=example 500mg of test/week and dbol 50mg a day

cruise=No PCT after Blast TRT dose of Test 200mg every other week


Semper Fi

New member

I got another week until I get my POST cycle BW and will most likely start TRT (47 and I was low when Checked at 38) but from the Research I have done so far a good place to start is 150mg every 10 days, then get BW after a month and adjust.  And with Test C (12 day half-life) 1x injection every 10 days is still the Minimum suggested.  Most opinions seem to stick with 1x per week (Especially is using Test E) but I don't have any "personal experience" here.  Why is a 200mg EOW good for cruising?  Won't that fluctuate your serum levels too much?  Well unless maybe you can get some Test U but I have no idea where to grab that :)






when you come off your blast you still want to keep your dosing level - about 2x 75mg/wk.  will get you at the high end of what the medical profession considers normal -most people who take the wrong doctors advice and pin every other week usually end up feeling like shit and complaining to the doc who then pulls you off trt

now for our purposes - the bigger we get the higher test levels we need to maintain - thats why guys who go on and off cycle blow up and deflate ( to each their own) but if your gonna keep using for life why bounce up and down like a yoyo with your hormones - stay on at a low dose

