Cholesterol Questions??!


Well-known member
Is anyone doing bloods enough to know exactly how their cholesterol changes on each compound?

There is is conflicting information.. I’ve always thought if you carry enough fat in the diet, you can avoid this problem but some say NO???? :/

I’m going to begin this experiment very soon myself and was curious if anyone else has been there already?


I get bloods through my doctor twice a year for trt which would not be of help, but I would be interested in seeing the results of this experiment. It would really be cool to see this with different diets as well. Keto...low carb, high fat, high protein versus high protein, moderate carb, low fat versus a high protein, high carb, moderate fat bulking diet just to see how much diet does or does not play a role alongside the aas.


I have an idea tho I don't now how or if it will work. Perhaps a few of us could get our blood work done with an eye on lipids before running a given compound. Each participant would be running a different compound. Say, I would run tren, Dolf runs npp, Dunbar runs anavar (because it rhymes), etc. Then after a certain amount of time we go get bloods again and see what the results are. I'm assuming everyone is already going to be running test of some sort... Idk, just a thought. And, yes the results won't hold much water but it could be interesting.


Well-known member
Not sure how accurate they are but there are a few cholesterol monitors on the market now. Similar to a glucose monitor(these run around $100) you could check your cholesterol everyday, before popping, after, etc. Gives HDL, LDL, Total, and possibly even triglycerides!

Way more practical for me than getting lab work... Any of you guys ever used one?


Never heard of much less used one lol

Definitely something that would be a handy tool for any aas user.