Colonic Anyone



Haven't done a colonic myself, butt, I have heard great things like feeling lighter (go figure), having a clear head, and better digestion. I've done the ol' enema, and I had very similar experiences as those who had the colonic. I never did the colonic, well, mostly because I felt a little weird about having someone stick a tube up my ass. 




That tube is the reason I'm straddling the fence. Yes, the ol enema works like a charm but I'm blinking fast when trying to do it rotflmao!!! I guess my curiosity with the colonic is that I want to see how full of shit I am... literally. Lol




One little piece of advice is to take high quality pro-biotics afterward. Apparently there are pre-biotics as well, but im not certain about those. I know that you know about bio-rich foods, butt, ill mention a couple anyways: raw sauerkraut, kimchi, and kefir :)

