Cost of teeatment



After a eye opener from 124 ,

I did some digging and the numbers of people in the us with hep is outrageous,  im talking drs , lawyers, pharmacists,  government all the way down to the junkie and lower classes of people. .  

The us and uk are among the highest with treatment avering around 63 to 90k. And in so'e cases if severe enough up to 180k if damage bad enough , 

It averages out to like 28000 for a bottle of 28.  But the ukraine it is as low as 4$ a pill.  

India is the lowest of the treatment being 900 to 1000 for a 24 week supply. (India was given rights to a generic)  i see so many people traveling to india. ,you need a perscription or paper work stating you have .   For a small fee it can be shipped to the states .

Id like to add , even with the medication  it must be given under a drs care . At least i would not attempt it with out to many complications ,and regular blood work test levels is needed.  



Well-known member

Fact- The pharma companies on average used to spend 13-18% on R&D. That figure has dropped drastically to 3-8% in that past 15 years. What they are doing now to generate huge profits is acquire other pharma companies that have a drug with no generics and over time drastically increasing the cost per pill. Sometimes in the range of 1000% or more. So when you read a quarterly statement you will see that the drug is generating MORE profit not on increased volume but on LOWER volume with a huge price increase.

Its the nature of the beast and will not change. 

“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.” -Sun Tzu






Nice quote. 

Well im getting to k ow my enemy very well , and its looki g like a trip to india maybe in the near future. Also. Ordering is a option but i need alot more research on this guy.  




I have been part of a number of detailed ethics debates on this topic.  Financially it's horribly unfair. The United States, more than any other country, funds the research through our capitalist system. IE: If you open a company and develop a drug you can sell it here for a profit. It's our system and it's the best in the world....if for no other reason than this - almost ALL new advances come from our country. Because we have a profit incentive while other countries do not!

But then you get to the profit and morality play when dealing with other countries. The basic is cost say a million dollars to build the equipment etc....necessary to create the 'pills' needed for the united states. BUT it only cost 50K to duplicate the load. The sale to the US is a done deal, the extra sold for pennies on the dollar still might generate millions in "free" profits. Free because the hard cost is covered and you could never sell the drug for a equal/fair price in the other country.  

The morality comes in when you ask this question: If hundreds of innocent people, just farmers lets say, in a third world country are going to die OR you can give them a drug that cost you pennies (because the united states capitalist system has already provided) can you ethically NOT provide it and save those lives?

FYI: The end result of the debates is always this....if you TRULY cared about other people and countries and humanity you would export not food, or drugs or medicine or anything else. You would export capitalism! That is what will fix them and only that - weird how we are trending toward socialism in so many ways.

BUT the drugs are good from other countries! Canada is often the easiest and Mexico doesn't suck either! Cheap in both.
Good luck brother!



Well-known member

I completely disagree concerning an economic system being an ethics debate or suggest any form of system being more advantageous than any other. In my opinion for every argument there is a perfect and reasonable counter argument. I wont even open a political or economic can of worms and ask the question.... "which is better?" 

Every person is entitled to their own opinion but not their own facts. ;))






You sound like Roy Williams! 

The ethics debate of course was NEVER about an economic system but about the right or wrong of spending money that by rights belongs to the shareholders of a company - for the benefit of the unfortunate.   The end result ends up being the core problem - a problem which is always soci-economic. Although that is never the only have too much history and religion to deal with as well. Not to mention security etc...but it is a fun way to win the debate and a solid place to teach and force people to look at core issues and solutions. However I would argue this is fact not opinion. Many facts are viewed as only opinion by those who do not see the facts. (Not meant in any way as an argument with you or saying you are wrong. I truly greatly respect your thoughts and opinion! I am speaking generically only here!).  

Example is Faith a fact or an opinion?

Trust me Universities live for these kinds of debates :)   Hollow words make them feel important and active. I just happen to be good at them as well (who knows maybe I just fool myself and I too am just hollow and filled with self importance).




Dude you are better than me at researching facts so I just assumed it was at me. HA! 

Honestly I can't tell you how much I appreciate all the research so many of you guys do for my/our mutual benefit! It's great to get the end results from so much work. I love when you guys list articles or new concepts you have found during your own outside investigating. Example being Siegmunds Cholorella notes.  




I will caution anyone seeking healthcare in other countries. In the U.S. a mistake by the doctor can result in a malpractice suit that will help you get further treatment and finances for everyday living. In these other countries you are just shit out of luck and then stuck paying for whatever treatments you will need in addition to fix the mistake plus you will be responsible for your own financial situation. Its a risk vs reward. I know a lady that went to Mexico to get gastric bypass. They fucked her up and she almost died. It took nearly 2 years for here to recover. Guess what. She couldn't sue. Instead she was shit out of luck.




I will not i got my meds for my treatment :)))   i bought 40 off 1 guy for 200$  and i got another 40 coming for same cost.  :)))( right there my friends is 80k.  For 400$   see alotnof people clear in 30 to 60 days. And they have the meds. :))))    

So my crazy days of knowing nuts are paying offf i still want to be under a gi s care.  So i will gamble and work that out also.   

Adapt over come. ,   :))) i always do. 




I understand why people do it because it's their only option, but it also scares me. I went years as a young man without insurance and was very fortunate to be healthy and lucky enough to never need it. Now I have great insurance through my company at a very cheap price, and I feel very blessed and fortunate to have it. I wish there was a simple answer to this problem, but there isn't.




:))))) where there is a will !! There is a way. , for those of you that were a little crazy , in your younger days or now. ... when you needed or wanted something you got it CORRECT ??

Well since i found out my condition , and what needed to be done , i have been spending every free minute. RESEARCHING. ,  and making contact. With people i weeded out 3 scams. And i extended my search to the streets. And in doing so. I acquired 40 od the pills i need for 200 $$  and threw my research i found a group and a individual  , who heads the group and they basicly get the (LIFE SAVING MEDS FROM ANOTHER COUNTRY. ) i only need 40 more. :))) and they will cost me 300.  So. 80k in pills im getting for 500$  

Now im trying to find a gi that wont get a hard on ,over me having my own medication. ,, because we know the corruption goes from bottom to top, but i WILL DEFFENTLY , find a gi to monitor my bloods , there are risks.  And im dont taking risks , 

ANy one in my position please contact me pm. , i can help. , with LIFE SAVING EXSPENSIVE DRUGS ,  do not pm me seeking narcotics or and rec drugs or youll be banned. If you are in dire need and cant afford im here to help.   I must help like i was given the help 



New member

I would build on your advice and say, Anyone seeking ANY healthcare in ANY country including the US and the UK needs to exercise caution. A report in 2016 from Johns Hopkins indicated "medical errors" were the 3rd highest cause of death in the US. (

With that said, I would go outside the US again and again but, only after due diligence and personal research. In 2009 one of my 5 daughters needed $12000 worth of  dental work. We had friends stationed in Bangkok with the USAF at the Embassy. Long-story-short, we sent her and her older sister for 9 days. They stayed with our friends. The younger one had the extensive work done for just under $2400. With airfare for both of them the total was still less than half of the US costs. The dentist was a graduate from the University of Michigan and my friend said it was by-far the cleanest medical facility he had ever seen.

As I posted before, I saved between $150,000 to $220,000 to go to Prague for cancer treatment at a facility used buy several European Healthcare systems. Again, for me the facility, staff and total experience was so impressive, I never doubted the positive reviews and research I discovered on my own.

Dolf is spot-on with his caution, I just wanted add, do your research and make sure it is a logical decision and just not an emotional one.  I have heard too many horror stories over the years to ever consider surgery in Mexico. However, I have heard of many success stories of people who have traveled to Costa Rica for one treatment or another. 

You do have some recourse here in the states, but it isn't geared in your favor as much as you might think. Personal injury lawyers usually take 60%-80% of the final settlement leaving the victim with too little to salvage the damage already done. I do agree, too little is always better than shit-out-luck. 

 Nothing changes from the research and consideration you should exercise with the use of aas and that decision to seek medical attention outside the US. One thing to keep in mind, many of the aas products are manufactured elsewhere.

Good luck!

