Cutting and Fat Loss






Here is some advice from several years of trial and error seeking a healthy way to cut weight and reduce body fat. This is just the tip of the iceberg but here are three things the anyone can easily implement.

1. Drink water! Plenty of it. If you do not stay hydrated you are retaining water and bringing the fat burning process to a stand still. When you do not hydrate enough your body releases a survival hormone called vasopressin. It has a specific purpose of making sure your body holds on to all the water it can. 1.5-2 gallons a day for men and 1-1.5 gallons for women.

2. Cut out post workout carbs. Yes, you heard me right. Post workout carbs do not assist in protein synthesis. Also after working out growth hormone release is increased. Ingesting carbs increase insulin release which reduces GH. Lastly, in the attempt to replace glycogen stores post workout you are reducing the amount of fatty acids your body uses for fuel slowing down the cutting process. Wait several hours post workout before ingesting carbs.

3. Drink plenty of water! I said this already but because of its importance it was worth repeating.

Take care.





Thank you for this information.  Water is such a hard thing for me...I dont like the taste of water.  *sigh* Time to buy a jug! :)





I understand. I have read a bit about your history and I know for certain you have had to make many sacrifices concerning your diet. 

As an athlete I learned early on to do or eat things for what they do for me and not how I personally feel about them.





Objective eating. I like that approach. Keeping the emtions and feelings out of it, helps. Come to think about it, that applies to MANY aspects of life, not just dieting.




Do you have any links with data to back up #2? No post workout carbs goes against what some of the greatest minds in bodybuilding say. Spiking insulin post workout has been a staple for a very long time now. Dr Jim Stoppani who is a great mind recommends gummi bears post workout to replenish glycogen. 



New member

x2 with Dolf, especially if certain compounds are being used post workout that require carbs. Won't name them here but most should be familiar with them.




X2 Dolf. The science says that insulin is needed to shuttle nutrients flowing in the blood into muscle cells to restore glycogen stores + initiate anabolic activity at the cell level especially at that anabolic window after beating the muscles up. So, if no carb post workout, how is restoring glycogen stores and initiating anabolic activity supposed to happen??

On the other hand, the only times i used to NOT introduce carbs after workout is when i would take GHRPs after workouts immidiately. I would jab, and wait 40 minutes sipping on amino acids then i consume carbs. But thats because GHRPs work via gherlin receptor which requires there NOT to be any glucose in the blood. So if not doing ghrp, why no carbs post workout?




Here is at least one reference requested;

I have several others but do not have the pubmed numbers available but I will get them.




I will be happy to. 

I will give my trainer a shout also for any information he has and why he is recommending it to the individuals he trains.




Glycogen synthesis and Protein synthesis are two different things. Timing plays a role. Glycogen stores can be replenished several hours after workout and does not need to done immediately. Carbs have little or no effect concerning protein synthesis. As I stated, immediate post work out carbs hinder fatty acid burn and GH release.

You would have to perform an absurd amount of volume to really deplete glycogen stores with weight training. Anyone can easily replace the glycogen spent that day but eating the correct foods without the introduction of an added sugar immediately post workout.

You would have to train a muscle several times daily with a volume you could not possibly recover from in order to require supplemental carbs to replenish your glycogen in time for the next days training. 

Ask a endurance athlete what glycogen depletion feels like and what it took to achieve it. I know because I have been there. You literally can't move and it feels like someone injected your legs with a 1000lbs of weight.




ok, i seen the experiment you referenced, and i dont think 6 subjects can prove this conclusively. I would love to see more research done on this. Maybe it already exists, i just didnt come across it.  Like Dolf said, its going TOTALLY against the grain with that approach of no-carb post workout, and i mean completely against the grain! LOL

yes i agree with the protein synthesis vs muscle glycogen replacement, these are 2 different things. But, lets not forget that insulin's role is to shuttle nutrients into the cells! Yes insulin and GH compete for receptors since they work along the same pathways in the body, and insulin wins that battle. But, without insulin how are you supposed to get the nutrients to the muscle in the first place to allow the protein synthesis to happen? And even if "some" nutrients can reach the muscle without insulin, is this OPTIMAL muscle growth? Would i be putting the anabolic window post workout (when the muscle/androgen receptors are sensitized) to maxium utility? Or am i sacrificing most of this window for some Fat burn?

I cant wrap my head around it. Help me out here :)




no apology needed brother. I love that fact you bring fresh perspective to the table. Its refreshing, and hell i opt to go for low carbs just to kick in a small amount of insulin and not a huge surge. Reason being is me being carb-sensitive, which does suck big balls! Thats why i created the other thread about Metformin which has the potential to allow me to add SO much more carbs and not worry about "nutrition partioning" per se. 

Thanks for the feedback on this Rux. Appreciate your point of view from MMA perspective. Keep them ideas coming. We enjoy constructive debate here :) (in case you havent noticed lol)  so we love different perspectives on things. 

On a different note, what do you think about Carb/Fat Toggling diet? Whats your version of it? Honestly, the more details on this, the better brother :)




I know you're an endurance/weight restricted athlete, and a lot of what is perceived as normal protocol get thrown out the window. I find your theory very interesting as I'm always looking to improve my knowledge to possibly be a help to someone else in the future. Difference of opinion and debate is welcomed here at MG because it's healthy for us all as long as everyone is respectful as they have been. I trust your personal experiences, but was also hoping there was some data to back it up was all. I think the biggest confusion was everyone not knowing you're a weight restricted/endurance athlete. 




I wish I had been better prepared with the information already on hand Dolf. I am getting it and will provide it as soon as I have it available.




Thanks and +2 rux! That's the stuff I was looking for. You've got my interest peaked now : )

This is good info as far as someone using a low carb or keto approach to cutting. Many still consume carbs post workout for the insulin spike. Any other info you can dig up would be much appreciated brother!




I reserve a certain amount of body fat on purpose as it is easy to ditch if my weight requires it. I simply cut carbs and use fat energy. I could easily be in the 5-6% range but I prefer to be in the 8-11% which provides my buffer. I ingest ZERO added sugars in my diet. They only carbs I take for training other than whole foods is UCAN. Especially pre-fight.  If it is not in the food naturally then I do not eat it. IMO added sugars are useless and research shows they do not provide the body with any needed added benefit despite what many think.




i agree w you. Whats your carb/fat/protein % distribution per day? Do you change this distro weekly/daily to shock your body and sensitize insulin receptors in your body? 




Whats your carb/fat/protein % distribution per day?


Do you change this distro weekly/daily to shock your body and sensitize insulin receptors in your body? 

Never thought about it that way. Too much thought for me. They do change based on training goals. I slack off 2-4 months out of the year to live a semi-normal lifestyle. When I am conditioning for an event my diet is completely dictated by a nutritionist and I simply prepare the menu.

