Prior to running my last blast I was experiencing joint pain. So I ran 300 of Deca a week along with all the other goodies.
Ive been done with my blast for about 3 mos now and have been running my TRT with 150 of Deca a week. So about 2 weeks ago i stopped running Deca and am only running Test C. Well all my joint pain has returned with vengance . All my joints are hurting like a mother effer. Im also running 4ius of HGH
Du you guys think its the HGH causing the joint pain or should I jump on Deca again?
Ive been done with my blast for about 3 mos now and have been running my TRT with 150 of Deca a week. So about 2 weeks ago i stopped running Deca and am only running Test C. Well all my joint pain has returned with vengance . All my joints are hurting like a mother effer. Im also running 4ius of HGH
Du you guys think its the HGH causing the joint pain or should I jump on Deca again?