
New member

Here are some great diet plans that some of the brothers brought to the table.  Golden info guys!

There is some great in depth knowledge for anyone wanting some diet ideals.   Joe is the subject of the experiment. Joes stats are 5'11" , 230lbs, 24% BF.    Read how these awesome gentlemen help "Joe" out.  These meal plans are great for any level of person that wants to reach the next level.  

NUMBER 1------

Ok Joe, with your bf at 24% we are going to have to adjust your eating habits. Let’s get you looking completely different without the use of anabolics. This is a diet I’ve used before gear use and does wonders for the body and psyche.

The diet is high fats high protein throughout the week with very little to no carbs. On the weekend we are “carbing up” you will eat lots of carbs and we will keep them clean to get the best results. We will lower the fats and keep protein fair to maintain muscle mass.

We are going to drop bf and add muscle at the same time. Mindblown? It can’t be done you say? I will prove you wrong Joe.

I want you to continue hitting the weights hard week after week. Work on minimizing rest times and maximizing supersets/dropsets/giant sets we need to put the body into a fat burning machine. The diet will do just that. Your workouts will supplement it. Cardio will be shortened to 20 minute sessions but it will be all out HIIT. We will start with 2 HIIT sessions a week and work ourselves up as you adapt. So you will go all out on the elliptical or treadmill for 15-30secs and walk/jog for the remaining 45-30secs bringing the heart rate down. Do this for 15-20mins and your heart rate will be racing and you will continue burning calories even when your cardio is completed.

So on to the meat and potatoes (no potatoes during the week though..)

You will download Myfitnesspal on android market or apple store and install on your phone. This will help track your macros throughout the diet and keep you honest.

We will start with 3500 calories. You are relatively at a desk job and semi-sedentary lifestyle so 3500 should be maintenance to start and work ourselves in the right direction.

For the first 12 days you will eat only protein and fats. You are putting your body into a place where it will have to use fat for energy. So by avoiding carbs your body will store less fat and you will get rid of some of the curves in the first 2 weeks. I do want you to include green veggies in your first 2 weeks.. so ideally we only want to have no more than 30g of carbs in a day.

Your daily macros during this time will come from 35%protein 60%fats and 5%carbs– carbs sources should come from green veggies. So that’s about – 300g of protein, 230g of fat, and 30g of carbs. Trust me Joe there is a reason to my madness!

A sample day of no carb day goes like this:


6 whole eggs

4 bacon slices

1 cup of raw spinach


Pre-Workout –


Ground beef 80/20

Romaine and green leaf salad

Ranch salad dressing




Whey protein 2 scoops

Tablespoon olive oil


Post Post Workout-


Beef Eye Round Steak

Romaine and Green Leaf

Italian Salad Dressing


Meal 5


2 Pieces or 6-8 oz of chicken thighs

2 whole eggs


Last meal –

Whey Protein Coconut oil shake


That puts us at a little over 3500 cals – 290P – 30C – 215F


You have lots of food to play with Joe.. Your foundation for protein is red meat. Steaks.. eggs.. chicken.. thighs are high in fat and protein.. beef.. cheeses.. don’t be afraid of bacon.. whey protein.


Joe I know the wife is an avid Pinterest junky. I want you to grab her phone and favorite this page so she gets to helping you out with the meal plans


On day 13 and 14 (Sat and Sun of week 2) we are carbing up – we are going to replenish the muscle and will be a mental breaks from the lack of carbs. The high carb day will be majority coming from carbohydrate sources – no more than 80%


So a basic meal plan will look like this:




Oats raisins and low fat milk


2nd meal –


Lots of fruits and veggies


3rd meal –


Chicken, rice , pasta mix


4th meal –


Whole grain pasta with tomato sauce

Parmesan cheese


5th meal


Cottage cheese with fruit

Flax seed

2 Toast


We will be consuming lots of carbs during this day and you want to track to stay within the calorie goal not to exceed 650grams of carbs a day for both days and not to go over on calories – so lets try to keep those carb sources from good sources… pastas.. rice.. fruit.. oats.. quinoa.. cheeses.. berries.. low fat milk..


After Sunday your body will be so consumed by gains. We will continue this for 10 weeks and we will completely change your body composition. You will drop fat during the week while replenishing the muscle during the weekend for the gains!!

Keep cardio and Gym in check and we will be make some serious gains Joe!


A video you and the wife can watch together on the Anabolic Diet J


NUMBER 2----

Joe need to learn how to eat and he also need to pull his bf down. Sometimes you have to take a step back before you can take a step forward. Cutting will be very difficult for joe because his bf is much too high. We need to pull that number down before he will really see any big results. Transformation is key here so lets shed some bf then sculpt. This diet plan is a cutting plan that will also provide some lean mass. We have manipulate the protein intake to accommodate for the carb intake. All carbs are good carbs and are needed to sustain energy plus with the addition of healthy fats we turn those carbs into slow digesting. Our goal is to keep insulin levels stable and metabolism elevated to burn fat. BUt at the same time we dont want to loose any muscle in fact we will add some as well. Its a total recomp from 234lbs 24% bf, our goal is set for 220lbs 16-18%bf. (Lets keep a realistic goal)

Joe is considered a endomorph- hard to loose fat/slow metabolism/gains fat/muscle quickly. He need a good solid diet plan to pull his bf in check. He needs to step up his cardio to fat burning mode by mainlining 60-70% of your max heart rate for 20-30 minutes every other day. So thats 4 times a week. No bullshit here Joe you need to get that target heart rate up and keep it there. .If you cant do that go home and sit in the corner with a dunce cap on and try again tomorrow. Joey boy, the 1 hour you spend on the treadmill now is not working because you are not using it effectively. Get that heart rate up there and kick fat in the ass. target heart rate --

Train hard five days a week with high rep sets. It is important to remember you are trying to shed fat here so HIIT exercises are tour friend. Shed fat first then build and sculpt. Recomp is adding, removing, and shifting weight were it belongs.

Diet son is the thing here that will get you to your goal. Lets set a realistic goal here. lets shoot for 14lb loss and 18% bf in 1 month then reset our goal lower. Thats less than 4lbs/week and sounds like a piece of cake right ? Sure it is. Making goals that are not realistic leads to failure much sooner. Joe loosing a few pounds a week is a realistic goal. loosing 25 lbs in 4 weeks is not so dont set yourself up for failure before you start.

Joe you need the correct balance of carbs/fat/protein, all while keeping your calories in check, and you will reach your goal if you keep up with proper exercise. For your body type Joe you need the following balanced intake:

*lets go with 2000 cals a day so we do not starve you kid.

*lets eat every 3 1/2 hours. Eating more frequent meals speeds up your metabolism and helps burn fat !

*lets do 150-160g of protein/day-

*60g fat/day- 23%

*200g carbs/day- this will adjust based whatever calories have not been allotted for protein and fat intake.

Lets go over the foods.

Proteins are the most important micro nutrient for maintaining muscle mass while dieting. Over do your intake and you will gain but under cut and you will loose muscle. Muscle that you are tying to shape. No one can afford to lose muscle.

Protein source cataogries are as follows:

4oz of Tuna and most other fish like talapia/halabit

4oz of lean beef

4oz of turkey breast

4oz of chicken breast

30 grams whey protein in 8oz of nonfat almond milk unsweatened

30grams soy protein in 8oz of nonfat almond milk unsweatened


Carb sources category are as follows :

1/2c of Oatmeal

1/2 of small sweet potato

1/2c of beans

3/3c of brown rice

2/3c of bran cereal

1c broccoli/1c green beans/1c of asparagus/ 1 1/3c spinach- steamed veggies pick one.


Fat sources category are as follows:

1/3c olive oil

2 omega 3 caps - fish oil

1/4c of flax seed oil

4 oz. of salmon

1/2 of avocado

15 walnut halves

20 peanuts

8. almonds

4tbl spoons of peanut butter

1.5 tble spoons-of dry cream of wheat


Dairy source category are as follows:

4 egg whites

1/3c cottage cheese

1/4c of low fat cheese

6oz yoplait nonfat yogurt

8oz non fat milk


Fruit source category are as follows:

18g of raisins

1 apple

1 pear

1 orange

1/2 of grapefruit


Here's what rocks about this diet plan joe. You have a choice to mix and match so your days do not become too routine. Try to eat your grapefruit at your last meal due to its fat burning abilities.

Meal 1 60g Carbs, 28g Protein, 10g Fats 442 cals

1 Serving/s Meat Category

2 Serving/s Fat Category 1-Fish Oil

1 Serving/s Fruit Category

2 Serving/s Carbohydrate Category

1 Serving/s Milk Category

Meal 2 45g Carbs, 28g Protein, 10g Fats 382 cals

1 Serving/s Meat Category 1-Fish Oil

2 Serving/s Fat Category

1 Serving/s Fruit Category

2 Serving/s Carbohydrate Category

Meal 3 40g Carbs, 28g Protein, 10g Fats 362 cals

1 Serving/s Meat Category

2 Serving/s Fat Category

2 Serving/s Vegetable Category

2 Serving/s Carbohydrate Category

Meal 4 25g Carbs, 21g Protein, 10g Fats 274 cals

1 Serving/s Meat Category

2 Serving/s Fat Category

2 Serving/s Vegetable Category

1 Serving/s Carbohydrate Category

0 Serving/s Milk Category

Meal 5 15g Carbs, 28g Protein, 15g Fats 307 cals

1 Serving/s Meat Category

3 Serving/s Fat Category

3 Serving/s Vegetable Category

0 Serving/s Carbohydrate Category

Meal 6 10g Carbs, 21g Protein, 10g Fats 214 cals

1 Serving/s Meat Category

2 Serving/s Fat Category

2 Serving/s Vegetable Category

0 Serving/s Carbohydrate Category

Total Carbohydrates 195g

Total Protein 154g

Total Fat 65g 13

Total Calories 1981g

Supplements - ZMA every day for that extra much needed shot of zinc/magnesium/and vitamin B along with BCAA after every workout. The rest of your vitamins will come form the healthy diet above along with your multi vitamin.

At bedtime it is fine to do one casein shake but with water only. Chopped ice helps :)

In summary Joe By eating small and frequent meals you insulin spikes will be at a low. By eating meals spread too far apart you will cause a large insulin spikes that will crash and make the body more prone to fat storage.This is a NO NO so get in the habit of eating every few hours. But make sure you eat the correct portion and quality of food to reach your goal. we want to maintain steady but low insulin levels throughout the day and keep that metabolism moving.

The idea behind this method of eating is gain as much lean mass, as little fat, and to shed BF as much as possible.

Note that including a healthy fat with our meals especially one containing carbohydrates it will encapsulate the carbohydrates and make your body release insulin at a much slower and steady rate than eating carbohydrates alone. Healthy fats are your friend in moderation.

Hey Joe, teach the wife how to eat healthy so you both can inspire each other.

Never stop learning, sweating your ass off in the gym, and forget what your goal is. Change your thinking process and eat because you have to and not because you want to.



Tom or Joe or whoever the hell the picky bastsrd is.  You gonna have to like chicken and rice and fish. I changed it up a little for you each day added some variety but just remember it's only 8 fucking weeks. Eat this and your fat ass will be dropping bodyfat in no time. 

 Day 1 


Meal #1 (1000mg vit c multi, b complex, vit d 2000iu. Thermo )

8egg whites 

1/2 avocado 


Meal #2 

8oz chicken

1c white rice 

1.5c broccoli 


Meal #3

8oz tilapia

.5c white rice 

1c green veggies 


Pre workout- Vit C 1000mg, pre workout dose of thermo 


during sip on bcaa drink 


post workout - 30g whey


Meal #4 - Post workout meal

8oz chicken

1 c WHITE rice 

2c green veggies 


Meal #5

6oz tilapia 

15 asparagus spears 

1/4 cup slivered almonds 


Meal #6

8oz chicken

1.5 c green veggies 


Meal #7  (Vit C1000mg, B complex, Vit D 2000iu, Calcium 600mg

1c fat free greek yogurt 

(3069 calories,  339p 185c 62f) 




Day 2 


Meal #1 (1000mg vit c multi, b complex, vit d 2000iu. Thermo )

6 egg whites 

1 c (dry) Oats 

1 Tbsp Flax Oil 


Meal #2 

8oz chicken

1c white rice 

1/4 cup slivered almonds 


Meal #3

8oz tilapia/cod 

2 slice ezikiel bread  

1c green veggies 


Pre workout- Vit C 1000mg, pre workout if needed dose of thermo 


during sip on bcaa drink 


post workout - 30g whey


Meal #4 - Post workout meal

8oz chicken

1 c WHITE rice 

Large romaine salad 

Walden farms dressing


Meal #5

2 cans tuna rinsed

2 slice ezikiel bread

1/4 cup slivered almonds 


Meal #6

8oz chicken

1.5 c green veggies - broccoli asparagus or green beans

1/3 cup slivered almonds 


Meal #7  (Vit C1000mg, B complex, Vit D 2000iu, Calcium 600mg)

2scoop casein w water. 


(4000 calories 450protein 250carbs 75fat) 




Day 3


Meal #1 (1000mg vit c multi, b complex, vit d 2000iu. Thermo )

1 cup of egg whites 

2 packets of oatmeal

1 banana


Pre workout- Vit C 1000mg, pre workout if needed dose of thermo 


during sip on bcaa drink 


Meal #2 (After workout ) 

2 scoops whey protein 

20 oz Gatorade 


Meal #3 

10 oz chicken breast boneless skinless 

1 cup vegetables 

½ cup low fat cottage cheese 



1 cup grapes 

1 pack greek yogurt


Meal #4 (Vit C1000mg, B complex, Vit D 2000iu, Calcium 600mg)

10 oz lean steak 

3 cups salad with ¼ cup cheese and 2tbs vinaigrette dressing

2618 calories / 90g fat / 205g carbs /  272g protein


Summary-   There is a lot of great info on here with in depth meal plans.   Remember brothers Diet is first gear is second in the race to success.  Thank you to all   - Axle





New member

This is great. Id swap all the tilapia for cod or tuna but hats off to you otherwise. On the high fat days, some salmon is great option as well
