Drug profile section




In order we should have a profile section where guys can read everything they need to know about a compound not just hearing it from a members own opinion. It's a very helpful tool 




Write one up under the Steroids section. I think someone may have done it, it rings a bell, but it would be nice to have a sticky. It can always be amended with additions as time goes by. Have different sections in the same post for example Testosterone, 19-nor, DHT derivatives. estrogen control, etc. We just can't copy and paste from another site...Unless you yourself are the author, I think. Otherwise we consider it plagarism, I think



Well-known member

A formal section was in the works at one point and time but Dolf and I saw it as a very big task and neither of us had the time to invest. There are smaller basic profiles already posted but an all inclusive, highly detailed section would be beneficial to members and web present as well.

FYI- Most of the scientific stuff is open source and free to use without recourse or risk of plagiarism. You can't copyright facts, information or discoveries. 

Maybe ADMIN could invest some 'Duckets' to have someone put one together.





New member

Here is closest I have found so far, but it still lacks a lot of information:

