Fish oil


Well-known member
I was reading about bodybuilding and fish oil. Does anybody here use fish oil and if so do you use it year round?
Yes sir. I've taken it for years. I recently started taking more of it on suggestion from another.

I take a couple grams per day.

It's incredible for the heart and cardiovascular system as well as shown to help blood pressure after continued use. Can also help your joints. It's not expensive either.

Most people don't get enough omega due to their diet so it's a good idea for most people aside from all the above good stuff.

Well-known member
yeah, fish oil is great all year round. helpful, no side effects. you just got to keep supplying it


Well-known member
Fish oil is the foundation of every cycle that includes orals or not. Always take your orals with omega-3. You need a healthy fatty oil to help with the absorption of orals. In addition, it helps to protect your stomach lining. One of the most common side effects of orals, if precisely that. Most people start by losing their stomach lining, or at least reduce it to the point where they start to have stomach problems. 70% of our immunity lies in our guts.

Once you start to lose that many problems start to happen. That's why a lot of bodybuilders end up with IBS, or Ulcerative colitis, etc. I developed IBS due to anadrol use without taking omega-3. At first I didn't experience anything, but it was eating my stomach lining and i didn't know it until I got really sick and bloated. Yeah, once you lose your stomach lining, you have to deal with terrible bloating. Still to this day, I have to deal with bloating, even when I fast, I have bloating. This is why I've recommended Omega-3 from the very beginning to all the members. Also, omega-3 offers tremendous cardiovascular benefits and it also helps to reduce muscle soreness.

When I'm crusing I take about 3 grams and when I'm blasting I go up to 9 grams per day. It's in my opinion one of the best products you can take year round for your health. I've also cured or greatly reduced inflammation with omega-3. Inflammation is one of the worse side effects of PEDs.

Your heart will thank you and so will your muscles. However, it is important to buy quality fish oil. Don't buy the cheapest thing you see on Amazon because it's a good deal. I would recommend two brands that I use with my clients. If you want top of the line Fish oil, Dave Palumbo has in my opinion the very best product in the market today. It's called Omegalyze. It's $39.99. Not the cheapest but the best. The other option and it's a strong second is from Bulk Supplements and it's called - Complete Omega Fish Oil (and it comes in 300 Softgels) costs about $22. Most of my clients use this brand.