Fixing a spotty weak beard?


New member

I'm Of Irish descent, and have a weak beard. See through in spots, especially on the chin under the lip. I was thinking, what if when taking my shot of test e 250, rubbing in a couple drops on the bald spots? Sorry if this sounds crazy but...any thoughts?


millsberry pie

New member

But I'm pretty sure if that worked you wouldn't be able to find any to shoot. There would be a huge surge of bald men buying it up lol. I'm bald by choice. I did saint baldricks event a few years ago now I can't stand hair.(but I've onIy shaved my beard twice in my life)



New member

Well Millsberrypie, I'll let you know. I did not think it would work for the scalp, that would cause a worldwide shortage! lol. But since it's already proven to work through the bloodstream on the beard, back etc., I figured what the heck, why not try directly rubbing a couple of drops on the bald spots and see how it goes.




Dont think so my friend , my suggestion shave , I spot also , and I shave , I haven't even tryed to sport a beard in so long , maybe I dont spot , but im shaved head , clean shaved , call my MR CLEAN ,  



New member

 stand  no  bullshit?  what  was  her  experience. did  she  have a  reaction  to  the  test  or   are  you  referring  to  her  pleasure  from a  well  lubed  massage  brother
