HGH, AI, SERM, & Steroids to grow taller


New member
Obviously, I have stopped growing but that does not stop me from researching. So after much researching and if I could go back in time, I would take these compounds from the age of 10~18 to try to increase my height by atleast 3 inches. What are your thoughts on this stack for purposes of growing taller? (please only intelligent debate and no bashing)

1. HGH (2iu pharma or 4iu generic per day or double this dose EOD. This is the main compound which would increase final adult height)
2. Aromasin (6.25mg/day to delay epiphyseal closure by reducing estrogen & increase testosterone which increases height)
3. Nolvadex (20mg/day to be cycled with Aromasin due to possible reduction in bone density from Aromasin. So Aro would be cycled for 6 months, then Nolva for 3 months, then back to Aro. Some SERMS induce epiphyseal closure, but Nolva is safe)
4. Anavar (Low dose of 50mg per week. This is a known steroid that was used to increase height and does not induce epiphyseal closure. Used in low dosages to avoid suppression along with the other compounds above. Aro and Nolva will also keep testosterone higher than baseline and counter any possible suppression)



I saw an open live forum with a doctor once and the subject was steroids. It seemed the main topic was this subject. I remember the doc saying it could induce a little growth, but it's very unlikely. Also no bashing on this site. Debate; yes. Bashing; no.



New member
I should note that the above theoretical cycle/stack is for males only and would definitely need adjustments for females wanting to grow taller. Also, I chose Aromasin over others because I feel Aromasin is more viable for long-term usage due to it not affecting ones lipids in a negative way. Here is a cut and paste which I found useful which seems to be a discussion between a doctor and someone who promotes HGH as a method of growing taller to all patients regardless of current height:

I will break down the three leading hormonal therapies for promoting height growth's pros and cons;

191 amino acid Human Recombinant Growth Hormone:
- Potent stimulator of longitudinal height growth
- Mildly capable of slowing epiphyseal growth plate fusion by counterbalancing chondrogenesis verse osteogenesis within the growth plate
- Well tolerated by users when used in proper dosage range

- Requires prescription for legal use
- High risk of molecular degredation if mishandled even slightly, thereby reducing potency
- Least potent promoter of longitudinal height growth out of the 3 major hormonal therapy options
- Extremely expensive, significantly more expensive than other hormonal therapy options
- Must be injected

Oral Anabolic Androgenic Steroids
- Are taken orally
- Most powerful promoters of longitudinal height growth of any hormonal therapy
- Significantly less expensive by comparison to growth hormone therapy
- Much easier to handle without damaging
- Well tolerated by patients when used in proper dosage ranges

- Requires prescription for legal use
- Risk for virilization (male characteristic development) in females (only when used in very high dosages however)

Reversible Aromatase Inhibitors
- Are taken orally
- Does not require prescription to purchase
- Significantly delays growth plate fusion allowing patient to grow for many years longer than they would naturally
- Much easier to handle without damaging
- Cheapest of all therapies available, even costing as little as a few dollars a month if purchased in raw bulk from factories
- Well tolerated by patients when used in proper dosage ranges

- Can reduce bone mineral density after multi-year high dosage use

Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators (SERM)
- Are taken orally
- Does not require prescription to purchase
- Moderately delays growth plate fusion allowing patient to grow for several years longer than they would naturally
- Much easier to handle without damaging
- As cheap if not even cheaper than aromatase inhibitors depending on source, generally cost comparative
- Well tolerated by patients when used in proper dosage ranges

- Not as potent as other anti-estrogen therapies (aromatase inhibitiors)
- Certain SERMs actually ACCELERATE growth plate fusion, must use correct SERM
I added something I forgot to mention in my previous email, this being SERM, or, Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators. SERMs are also anti-estrogens like aromatase inhibitors and have the same outcome on delaying growth plate fusion, but not to as strong a degree as aromatase inhibitors. SERMs instead of inhibting the enzyme that turns testosterone into estrogen and therefore reducing estrogen levels, SERMs are instead synthetic estrogens that bind to estrogen receptors but then elicit a WEAKER estrogen signal at the receptor versus the body's natural estrogens.

Therefore the SERM blocks the estrogen receptors from taking the bodies much stronger naturally produced estrogen. By doing this they blunt the estrogen response in the body and thus slow growth plate fusion. SERMs are also research chemicals.

Some SERMs actually elicit a stronger estrogenic effect at certain estrogen receptors, especially those in the growth plate, and therefore can ACCELERATe growth plate fusion, an unwated pharmacology. This includes the SERM Raloxifene, something you would NOT want to use for height growth.

The only SERM I'm aware of proven to delay growth plate fusion, is the widely available Tamoxifen, so this would be the SERM to use. It is legally available without prescripotion just like aromatase inhibitors.


New member

Well the problem is height is largely dictated by genetics so you are trying to alter something thats hard wired. Gaining muscle is variable depending on exercise so they are two different things. I think if you genuinely had a GH deficiency then HGH would help, I think if you did not youd be locking your self in to HGH treatments for life. As far as the AI and Serms part I think youd fuck your self up worse. 

   Besides if it was that easy dont you think countries like North Korea would be doing this to their kids to make a giant race of warriors and olympians 



New member
So it looks like my theoretical cycle should be out of the question for my son? (joking)

BTW, I've heard that HGH is unique in the it does not suppress your natural HGH levels as steroids do. But many people take it in the morning since natural HGH is produced near night time to avoid any possible suppression.


New member
HGH has no effect on being tallet if your growing has already stopped. It's a rumor that HGH will make you taller, your bones taller etc, it's a bullshit. HGH is given by DRs to childrens in their puberty if they lack that hormone, that's true. But once you're older and your growing has stopped, you can't do nothing about it.


New member
It is understood that HGH can only make one taller if he/she is still growing and the growth plates have not fused. However, I believe that rHGH injections to an adolescent with normal HGH levels will increase final adult height by at least a couple inches or more if used correctly. This is evidenced by people who are abnormally tall due to abnormally high levels of HGH (I know there are other factors involved in height, but HGH has been proven to be necessary for normal height growth). Also, another interesting fact is that these people are sometimes given estrogen to successfully fuse their growth plates.