Hi everyone just wanted to know what kind syringe you use.


New member
I really have no prob pinning with 1 1/2. Just looks intimating, but hey, what do I want out of this, Im sure not gonna back down from a 1 1/2 pin that is nothing really


New member
I use 1" 25 gauge to pin. Works just fine. I draw with a 21 gauge. And yes twist a new pin on after you draw everytime. Use alcohol so you dont contaminate your gear if you reusing the 21 gauge.

Turning 40

Active member

Hey Woodie,

Some great advice above about sites and needles. I inject slowly so happy with the thinner needles 24-25gauge so a slow delivery is fine by me. I get some people like to pin quickly, so a slightly wider gauge is preferred. It's personal preference in the end.

I would just comment on syringe choice. My first cycle I was pinning 1ml of test so bought 1ml needles - this was a mistake. It gives you very little room to aspirate (drawing back gently to ensure you have not hit a vein) but, more than that, the 1ml syringes are long and skinny and therefore very bendy. I was self-pinning so this added 'flexibility' in the shaft lead to wobble in the needle. I suspect the needle wobbling in the muscle increased muscle damage and PiP. As technique got better wobble got less - and so did PiP. Possibly a coincidence as PiP does reduce as you get used to injecting.

I've just started with 2.5ml syringes - small stubby things - and solid as a rock, works much better.

Good luck to you brother.




T40 I use 3ml barrels, and 23g pins. The reason I prefer 23g is I can still inject slowly without having to apply lots of pressure. Its smoother and gives me more control IMO. 



New member

with a 25ga 5/8, delts 23ga 1', glutes 23ga 1'.. I usually draw with 20ga so yeah I change needles after drawing.. I am thinking about trying pecs this next cycle though 




I think sticking to glutes/quads/delts would be a better option.In my opinion moving to pecs is not really ideal considering the absorption time would suck comparing them to the glutes or or quads.Not only that but they can't even hold that much oil....




affected by the size of the muscle and the activity of the muscle plays a role.So for instance glutes are always the best spot due to the size of the muscle which also determines the amount of oil it can take and your glutes are always active due to walking around and that is key in absorption/release time etc etc same with your quads but delts absorption time/release time is not as good due to the inactivity,you don't really use a lot of your delt throughout the day.Lats are another option but what I am getting at is quads/glutes and delts are good spots when you hear guys using lats/tri's/bi's its usually because they are either pinning a TON of gear or they are having to find new spots due to scar tissue.But again brother your choice you want to do lats go ahead many guys do just giving you my humble opinion....



New member

thats good to know thank you, I guess I never really pondered much on how the activity of the muscle would affect how much the oil spreads, and then affecting the absorption rate.. 




I don't consider my pecs big, and I pin 1.5ml no problem with 1 inch pins. Muscle depth plays a role in absorption also, so those 5/8 pins in quads would also change absorption rates. The more shallow the injection the faster the absorption. Of course I'm doing ed pins, so I need several injection sites. I do like the ed injections and will most likely run all shorts ed from here on out. The more stable blood levels have helped with acne and keeping e2 stable.



New member

I use 22 gauge with a 1.5" but I have also been looking at getting
25 gauge due to shots ED right now shoulders, glutes, quads .....
