How much protein can you take at once



This is an old question that has little research surrounding any claims.  I've heard both extremes.  

A firm stance I hear often that has no more evidence than just bro science is "your body can only digest 25g of protein at a time."  I have found no evidence to support this claim.

My question is based off of experience how much protein will you take in a shake or other supplement.  I usually do 50g of protein or two scoops of most powders.  I realize that some of the protein may be lost, but the extra scoop is about 100+ calories that I'm willing to sacrifice cost of the powder for.

Does anyone have a guideline they follow or actual study that has been done in this area?




Well-known member


Great question.

Adding micellar casein protein will help some loss as it is slower to digest. I also take casein before bed for overnight recovery.

I generally drink 3 protein shakes a day. I include 10-15g of casein to my mid-morning shake, 25g of beef peptides to my mid-day shake and do just casein before bed. My shakes are in the 30-45g range.

I have no science to base my protocol on. 



Well-known member

Much of the protein we intake is wasted because of the absorption rate of the proteins. I have yet found a definitive scientific research study showing the exact amount a human will absorb per hour. in fact, I can reference many studies that express conflicting findings.

My experience, and to prevent me from going crazy to find an exact answer,  I have been focusing on absorption capabilities on the "supplemental" proteins I add to my diet.

I look at this subject for myself from a bariatric surgery patients stand point... I need the most I can get in the least amount possible with the highest absorption rate.






I know I am losing some to absorption rate. SemperFi sent me a great dissertation on the subject, but again there is no way to tell how much you can absorb per hour or similar. As far as protein intake I'll assume i get only 30 or so out of a shake even if there are 50 in it.  That way I can ensure I'm getting my 300/day on cycle.  those 20 other grams are still 100 calories.

Now if they could just invent a powdered kcal mix Id be set.



Mister A


This is one of the most polarizing subjects Ive researched. Ive heard numbers between 13g and 80g, and from some credible sources. However - anyone who answers this question with a definitive number should be viewed with great skepticism at best. There is absolutely no way that there is one universal number, like, 25g. Phil Heath has a different absorption rate than Kate Moss does.

If you want to figure this out for yourself try this experiment: maintain your carbs at 1 gram and fats at .5 grams per pound of bodyweight throughout the experiment, start with 1 gram of protein per pound and increase it by 10% each week. If you keep everything else the same and maintain a similar caloric output, at some point after raising the protein you'll start to put on body fat. This is the result of the unabsorbed protein being converting to glucose and being stored as fat. It's obviously not a perfect experiment because there are a lot of variables, but you can get a real good idea from doing it. I have done it myself and determined that once I get to 70 grams of protein per meal I get fat.

Also if you're looking to use enzymes to increase protein absorption research the systemic enzyme Protease as it is the most potent tool at breaking down proteins. Tough to find a good supplement with a high dose of it however because it is very expensive (~$150 a month). I have never used it but do plan to when muscle starts getting harder to build.




Mister A


Ive never seen it dosed in mg before. But I figure for a guy my size I would shoot in the 800,000 - 1,000,000 HUT range. To be honest I dont think digestive enzymes are going to do what the ads claim they will do: "Absorb more aminos, create the ability to lower your daily protein intake, gain more muscle." I think if youre a healthy guy who eats well and trains consistently and you dont have any enzymatic deficiencies supplementing with enzymes make an unnoticeable difference in your physique. Especially short term. What I see the benefit as is ensuring your digestion is optimal, keeping you healthy from unabsorbed protein (ever wonder why you have protein farts? Your body isnt absorbing it), and I also think that improved digestion will help you sleep better and get better blood flow (pumps in the gym). The older you are the less efficient your body becomes at breaking down food and the more necessary supplements like this become.

Or you can just go vegan.




Well-known member

By HUT I am in that range. I do not get the protein bloat or gas when taking so at the least it works to process the protein better. In my experience when I take a quality probiotic alone I still get some bloat and gas but taking 335,000 HUT of protease about and hour before a large protein meal the protease does correct most, if not all, of those issues.

If cost is a factor you can try "Transformation Enzyme Protease". I buy it online for around $45 per month.

Vegan is the indian word for Bad Hunter! ;)


Mister A


pretty cheap. Most of what I was looking at was much more. If thats the case then it sounds like its working for you. Ive never had a problem putting on size and like I said my body does a good job of absorbing protein. I dont have the farts or the shits from it. I do eat a completely whole food diet. And im gluten and dairy free almost entirely (id die without pizza once a week). I have a mild gluten intolerance. If I even see a whole wheat bagel I start farting. Its rancid.

Im actually going vegan after today. For 8 hours in my sleep. Then Ill wake up and eat chicken breast with whole eggs because I like the idea of eating the Momma and the babies on the same plate.







As a bariatric patient, we are told by our surgeons that the body only takes in about 25g of protein per hour.  Since we can only fit a small amount in at any given time (newer the patient is less they can intake....2oz to 8oz, the later being once the patient is several years post op), we like to get the biggest bang for our buck.  We are also told we can only absorb whey protein isolate.  I was on shakes for 5 months straight after my surgery because of complications, so its rare that I will drink one these days.  Muscle Milk and I are mortal enemies....I will drink a shake, but its chocolate and made with cold coffee to mimic an iced mocha. 
I am interested to see where this conversation goes....thank you for bringing up such an interesting topic.




I too have heard and read that we can only take 25g per hour, but until you mentioned a Dr told you I've only known bro science.  I wish there were real studies on the amount pet hour. I doubt it would be a generic number like 25  universally for everyone.

We may never know.




Great opinions. 

I basically go by 1.5g-2g of protein per pound of LEAN body mass. So currently i weigh 231 lbs, and about 13-14% bf. At 220 lbs i look real cut, so i base my protein intake @ 220 x 1.5g per day = 330 grams of protein per day at a MINIMUM.

Now, the quality of the protein is critical here - eggs / steak / chicken / fish / turkey / beans / soy / dairy / .... 

Personally, I try to mix it up,  every meal with different source(s) of high quality proteins like eggs, steak , chicken,...

FYI - These studies are mostly focused on natty people, NOT bodybuilders, and def not bodybuilders on TRT or high concentrations of juice. My point here is when you're on the sauce, your body turns into a machine burning more calories & increasing protein synthesis many folds over. Hence, 1.5g-2g/lb of lean mass is not going to waste in that scenario.

This is a great read suggesting higher protein synthesis observed at the test group intaking 1.4g of protein per KILOGRAM (not lb) of body weight.

Another good read about the different protein sources:




Welcome back Dolf- I was getting worried.  nothing makes this Sunday better than seeing you active.  Hope you hit life's curve-ball out of the park brother.
