Yeah man I am trying a new experiment out,I am in a big calorie deficit cruising along>So my idea is this Leucine can Spark Protein synthesis Disclaimer(I am Not A scientist Just a Bro trying to use Logic)So what I do Is I get a 1 Gallon Jug Fill it with water than take 2 scoops of Universal Juiced Aminos (I got a sick deal On them buy 1 get 1 free 20$=60servings orange taste like Tang)then I add 3 grams of leucine and then I add another 4:1:1 (Leucine-IsoLeu-Valine) and about 4 grams extra of taurine,SO what I do is after every meal I drink about a quart they did a study by layne norton that showed supplementing with leucine after meals can cause protein synthesis ....So my idea is if I supplement after every meal and then also my post workout meal I should be able to be in Protein synthesis more frequently which could potentially Build some lean mass while in a defect,Now it would be much easier if I was on gear to do this LoL but I will tel you what so far it has been going really well,Give It a try on cycle and see if it helps Leucine Is really the main component in all this but I like the taste and the ratio