Injecting with Longer vs Shorter Esters


New member
When it came to deciding whether or not to start using AAS, injecting was a huge barrier for me. I am sure I am not alone.

That said, the longer esters are naturally more attractive to me. Therefore, I have stuck to Enanthate and for two reasons.

1.) I hear Test Prop hurts like hell, however, I am interested in your personal experiences (especially if you have also tried Test E).

2.) You can get away with pinning once a week with Test E (this is a big plus for me).

I know people would recommend twice a week with Test E, but based on the half life of the ester it is not uncommon for people to pin once a week.

I am preparing to do my first cycle with Tren, and I have decided for Tren E instead of Tren Ace, so I don't have to pin as often.

I have been observing what people on this forum are commonly ordering, and I think most people favor the shorter acting esters. I know there are some benefits to these esters.

I am keen to hear your thoughts and experiences.

Please put it in the context of level of experience, and whether your opinion has changed over time.


New member
This post is more about injecting and less about the AAS (although it is hard to completely divorce one from the other).


New member

I have used sust, test e, test 300 and now im on tren ace. Pinning every day sucks but I do thighs and shoulders so it gives me multiple areas. Injecting every day also gives you faster affects as well as the rush of the injectable through your body.


Semper Fi

New member

Your going to hear a lot of feedback telling you to go Test only on your first cyle and so I guess I'll be the first :)

That being said and there is no talking you out of it.  Go Test P/Tren A - Yes, you will pin more but you can also ditch your plan and/or change it a lot easier on the short esther "IF" a problem arises.  

FYI - I was also worried about PIP at first with Prop but I got less PIP from the Lab I am using now vs the Sust 250 I used on the prior cycle.  It seems both product and personal sensitivity play a role with PIP.  Lucky me on both counts!

 2x Test only IMO :)





Being pin shy is one thing but electing to run Tren as your first cycle is a poor decision, especially Tren ethonate. 

  • First your pin fear- This is something you and only you will have to address. Armed with the correct knowledge your phobia will be eased once you realize just how simple it can be. This guide will help you.


  • Second, your choice of compounds- Forget the word "Tren" it should not be in your vocabulary- period. Tren is an advanced compound that is not intended for the novice steroid user. It is what nitrous oxide is to race cars and the last thing you want to do is crash and burn. Take this advice seriously because it's no joke, I have ran many Tren cycles but still elect to run other compounds based on my goals. Tren is a harsh compound, there are much more milder choices so take a step back here and ask yourself why you are running nitrous you first time on the track.

Consider a nice Testosterone only cycle with two pins a week to get your feet wet. Along with your AI and PCT you will learn how to do this at a slow steady learning pace. 



New member
Thanks, this is very helpful. Being a car lover, I like the analogy also.

I think my comment above was a little ambiguous. When I say this is my first cycle with Tren, what I mean is: I have done 3 cycles so far, and this is my fourth cycle and I am going to try Tren for the first time in this particular cycle.

I have use Test E in all previous cycles, and have stacked in the last two cycles (once with Var and once with Winney).

I apologize for any confusion, and thanks again for your comments, they were quite insightful. I will definitely take your advice on board.


New member

i wont knock you for trying tren as a 4th cycle. my 3rd cycle had tren introduced, but i used tren ace with test p. if you are hellbent on running tren make sure its the ace version as you will need to know how your body reacts to the side effects of it.  if it gets bad you can easily get off tren and the sides go away within a few days to a week.  if you start off with tren enth you will get the sides and when you come off the sides will still linger for a few weeks, and that can be bad if you cant handle the sides.  after using tren ace i can confirm that i can successfully use tren e in a 4th cycle, since i am able to handle it pretty well.  just be careful, everything you hear about the sides is true, except the cough, which varies from person to person.  i dont buy the whole "knicking the vein" thing.  as i have never had it occur.  you will have nightmares, you will have violent thoughts, you will be edgy , and your cardio will go to shit.  so no cardio on tren , what so ever!  . if you have to use cardio, just walk.  no running! .  strength gains are not as huge as some people say.  its a steady slow increase but not superhuman like.  although, i lift heavy as hell regardless, and the weight that i lift now off of roids is what i got to up to while on tren, so after i stopped, some strength was lost but i got it back naturally. oh , and if you were ever fat as a kid naturally, you will be prone to gyno.  so make sure you take care of that.



New member
This was really good insight into your own personal experience. Thanks for sharing.

The nightmares sound interesting. I am a little worried about the violent thoughts, I will need to keep an eye on my internal dialog and exercise some self control.

Semper Fi

New member

I started Tren A at 350 per week 1 and started to up to 450 for week 2 - THEN insomnia really kicked in so I just started today back at 350.  Fucked Cardio and Sweating only other sides..... no more "aggressive" than usual for me but I am not taking crazy ass amounts like T_B either :)

 Edit:  Oh - so I guess the example here is how much easier it is to change course on the short ester.....




New member

lol.  what can i say, im a glutton for going high.  my first cycle was 400mg/ml test enth.  go figure lol.  my motto. go heavy or go home.  



New member
I've seen and heard allot bad experiences with tren.which is a super crazy androgenic hormone. If you compare it to Testosterone, which has an androgenic ratio of 100; Trenbolone's androgenic ratio is an astonishing 500. This ball bashing compound gives you not just 1 or 2 bad sides but pretty much all of them..Let me try to list them: my fav is Insomnia and combine it with Excess Sweating and you're pretty much in for a hell night almost every night because you always have night Sweats. Combine that with : Rapid Heart Rate, Anxiety, Loss of Libido, LImp Dick..
Milkin made and excellent comment I feel deserves to be a sticky.


New member

Northern Trust is correct about potential tren sides, and i agree you want to get as much out of other hormones prior to tren, but alot of those sides can be combated by education and proper use of other products for instance. Deca and Tren both 19 nors, the infamous "deca-dick" I've experiemnced this prior to learning, now i take caber E3D and a 10mg cialis once a week and trust me deca-dick becomes a thing of the past, a non issue, aslo everyday tren jabs helps drastically, you can leave the prop to EOD. Sweats and insomnia tend to be more upfront for me in the cycle as my body adjusts, but what i've learnt for my body is 2:1 test tren ratio = more sides, 1:1 ratio less sides and when i run tren at 500mg and keep my prop around 300 my sides get almost go away entirely, now i know if i increase either there is a fine line, but that all comes with experience and adjusting. 

What i'm getting at is all steroids come with sides and some more then others, like tren, but if you stick around and listen to advice it is not what its made out to be if you use and don't abuse and have proper ancilliary drugs to combat them.

my drugs of choice are

adex for estro

caber for prolactin - milky nips limp dick

cialis for a boost and i'm well on my way

with these on hand, i have the libido of an 18 year old while running hormones that should give you the libido of an 80 year old and a wet noodle for a prick. Just my two cents, opinion and experience.

GOOD LUCK BROTHA, also test deconate i'd say is ok for once a week but its not a common ester these days, but is one of the 4 in sust. other then that do yourself a favor and jab twice weekly to keep levels stable




I like to use the long ester compounds and pin E3D. My skin stays clearer when I keep my levels fairly stable. I recently swapped one of my cycle pins of long ester test with some short ester Sust I got from a src here. I ended up getting a fresh bath of bacne from the big spike in test and the e2 spike that followed.

I think the main reasons for short esters would be first, the easy transition to PCT. You dont want to wait for long ester stuff to leave your system before PCT can start. Second would be the sides of Tren, when the get nasty you can stop tren A and feel normal quickly. Tren E is gonna have you feeling it for a week or two.
