Is creatine worth it?

turbo lift

New member

So is taking creatine worth taking...personally I think it works to a degree as its not expensive but I do like nos pre workout


Apex Peptides

New member

If you are a responder to creatine it can be worth it to supplement.  This is because it's likely you can't get enough through diet alone to mimic what supplementing with it does.




It does work but some brands will  elevate my liver enzymes  higher than aas Cycle. You just have to be careful of brands 



New member

at all buddy, the usual dose on almost all bottles starts with 5 grams.. Where did you come up with that info? once again.



New member

Creatine is great IMO.  Before I touched any AAS, it was the staple to my supplements.  I saw noticeable size (water weight) and strength while using.  As stated above, one of the few supplements that do as advertised.



New member

I've used it for years and as long as the grade is good I have had great results, defo use off-cycle as well 5g ED but I usually run 4 weeks on - 2 weeks off.



New member

Agreed. I used Creatine back in the late 90's, and I got HUGE! I mean,  it worked like an AAS Cycle. However, my body didn't like it. I figured if its legal and at a "Health" Store, no problem. When my Dr. did a blood test, she said I had high amounts of Creatine in my Kidneys. I said, (smart ass), "No Shit, I'm taking Creatine", at which point she suggested I stop, and then I made another smartass comment. She looked me in the eye and said, "you can do whatever you want. But your Kidneys are starting to crystallize and if you keep using this, you will die within the year....." So for me it works, and the stuff nowadays I think is easier on the body. But make sure that your body can handle it by doing blood work.


