Is LGD-4033 beneficial to tendons and ligaments?


New member

I see people claiming that this SARM strengthens tendons and ligaments. I can't find any credible source of this information and didn't want to hijack someone else's thread. Most claims about this and other SARM's are the same claims with different SARM's names being interchanged depending on which one they are pumping. 




I was told lgd was for tendons and ligaments as well. I used it for about 2 1/2 months because I had a problem with a ligament in my right shoulder. I also stacked it with osta and yk11. I also trained in such a way to baby my shoulder. It took awhile, but alas i have little to no shoulder problems of course i can't say with absolute certainty that it was the lgd, but i do believe it helped, gained modetate strength while taking it too. The shoulder pain i had was debilitating and really compromised training. But like i said, no more pain. Ive heard that NPP helps repair damage as well by the way. Hope this brings a little clarity to your inquiry.  Good luck!



New member

I've used Deca and NPP and I never thought it helped with joints. I think it depends on what you have a problem with. I have researched AAS for over ten years and have never seen anything scientific or medically based to indicate that anything other than HGH and peptides that stimulate HGH may actually strengthen tendons and ligaments. In fact most AAS is actually bad for tendons and ligaments. 
