


Motivation to train comes and goes. For the last 5 years I can honestly say that I've been, in general quite motivated, always ready to get in there and work. However, sometimes motivation seems to evaporate, wanting only to get home, sit on the couch and watch Bob Ross, and chill the hell out. This is how I feel lately; stress at work has been extremely high as the project comes closer to completion, and near impossible deadlines are made in rapid fire succession. When things like this happen, and the motivation to train comes to screeching halt, this is the time where self discipline really comes into play. I'll add that I am also using caffeine less as a preworkout since I have trouble sleeping when I pop 200mg between 7:30 and 8:30 at night, knowing that rest is an overlooked necessity in this game; gotta rest to grow! When this happens, and its happening a lot lately, I have to really put my stress from work aside and get in there, even if its just to get a pump and get home. Sometimes I watch Machiavelli Motivation on ig to get me going. Nearly every time, once I get in the gym, the lack of motivation almost evaporates, but lately its been a real struggle. We all know full well, that during these times its most important time to get in there, bust our asses as best we can, avoiding injury of course since often times when we are exhausted both physically and mentally, our form gets sloppy. Getting into the gym when we are not feeling motivated is a way to really strengthen neural pathways that go against laziness (tho 'lazy' isn't quite the right word, but you get my point). The reward may not be immediate every time we go against the grain, but as time goes by the reward will happen. Get in there, get the work in and go home and rest. Life happens regardless, but we must keep our eye on the prize, which only consistent hard work will give us. Its a battle attrition against ourselves, one that you can win, you just gotta get in there. This effort we put in, will pay off in the future, Stay strong my friends, find a motivator (a pic of someone I admire in the bodybuilding world also helps, I like Danny Hester's physique, and always seems to get me going when I watch a quick posing routine on youtube or ig) if needed, and keep grinding, fighting off the urge to give in to the couch. The couch will always be there, and thanks to Hulu, so will Bob Ross, but the training day you miss, well you won't get that back.

When you're feeling unmotivated, what helps you get into training mode despite the urge to skip a day or two, and get into the gym?





The best answer is the hardest to achieve....lower stress!  Stress releases the wrong hormones and turns your body into a 'hibernate' and gain weight beast.   If you can lower your stress you fix most motivation issues.

NOW to answer your main question:  Discipline...I set a schedule and refuse to NOT do it. If my job says I have to do XYZ but I don't want to do Z, well tough shit. I am paid to do it so I must! No option, its my job!

I treat workouts the same way when my stress level is too high. I don't have the option to not do it, it's my job.  

The other that works for me is negative reinforcement. I look in the mirror and insult my flaws and demand that I go fix them. I respond well to negative pressure.   Then I go very very high energy music.





Yes, stress is a killer! I did have a couple of convetsations about some work drama, got it all ironed out. My energy level went as did the sense of well being. I had to confont a couple folks,  including my boss, both i consider as friends, to get to the bottom of the issue. All is well again:)




I've been there blast. I actually feel like I'm always there my. I get after it first thing in the morning. 4am if need be (which actually happens most days) if I find time by the end of the day to eat an edible and relax then I've already got my workout in.  Gym in the morning and three rest of the day I can focus on work and food.

