need help


New member

i have been on a diet for 2 months now and i have seen amazing results...i went from 220 pound to 185....i am not perfect but i look,i want to take the wnistrol-v and my question is how long do wait to take it cos i just finished my weight loss pills they counter work against each other?.....i have been taking the universal animal cuts...



Most vitamins are fast absorbing and are out of your system in a few days. Supplements, like animal pack, contain other compounds that may take a bit longer. I would believe that they should be out of your system in a few weeks.

You are not planning to do just whinny are you ?? Assuming that you would be taking tablets form, were you aware that ORAL ONLY cycles are a NO NO ?
What do you think winny is going to do for you?
Whats your goal, stats, cycle history? How long do you plan on taking ? Are you aware of the toxicity of winny when misapplied ?
These are all very important questions friend,

BTW when coming off a cycle, the rule is .
>>Time on + PTC = time off.


poor your liver in this case....why do you need wnistol now? any specific goal? i think that you have to loose all the fat after word to gain as more as you can natural muscles and only after that you might use some AAC...


New member

animal pack is a vitamin source so it will not interfere, when taking winni depending on desired results, effective dose of winni is between 50-100mg every day but should be broken down into time tables, the half life of winni is 4-6hrs meaning that its only active in your body for that amout of time and regulating your blood levels is essential to getting desired results
