New but old


So to tell a story in short. I've been out for about 6 years. I'm 49 now. Just had umbilical hernia repair but the Dr. said it was the biggest one he ever fixed. It was the size of a baseball no shit. But I've gained a lot of weight and im taking clen to help offset the weight right now, so when i decide to gear up again my heart dont explode.
Does anyone have any advice on a good cycle to lean me out and add some strength?


Well-known member
Start off with bloodwork. This way you know where you start and where you're heading. In most cases and almost for everyone, testosterone alone is what you need to start with. What are your stats? like weight and height? lifting experience?


Well-known member
I agree on test only to begin with, but not cause its simple, but cause the more AAS you have in your system the greater your myostatin expression will become, myostatins stop growth so you don't end up with one arm that weighs like 400lbs or whatever.

The more you can get out of the lowest dose, the longer you can abuse them for without stalling or fucking yourself up.

If I knew what I know now when I was designing my first cycle, I'd use proviron also. It'll increase your total free test and make your test hit harder and make you feel really good about everything.

For dosing, as I'm too scared of needles for bloodwork, I'd start at 150mg a week of cypionate or enthanate and work that up by 50mg a week to whatever you feel comfortable with up to 600mg, which is a good rough estimate for most people where the law of diminishing returns kicks in.

Proviron dosing is generally around 50-75mg a day.

Around 250-300mg you may start needing an aromatase inhibitor, possibly sooner if carrying excess body fat.

I gauge my hormones levels by how my dick is working, if it's hard to cum (and I'm sweaty at night) I have low estrogen, so I take less arimidex. If my knobs kind of soft and I'm not really all that bothered I probably have high estrogen, itchy nipples are a telltale too. Then I take more arimidex.

All that being said, what that cycle will do depends on your diet and training.