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48yo guy here who started changing his life in September 2023. I was 47yo, 379lbs, 5'9". I was tired of getting winded going up the stairs. Always been amazed with bodybuilding but due to low esteem, just never thought it was possible for me. Well, I decided to give ozempic a try and I lost 90lbs in 5 months. That gave me the push I needed to say "yeah, I can do this" and I started with some dumbbells in an extra bedroom. Found myself feeling better...lost more weight. Started working with a pro (who later stiffed me) and he helped me get into a gym and start to put together a workout plan. After I worked with him for about 4 months, I paid him for another 3 months and he ghosted. I was starting my first cycle of test e 500mg/week and Primo 250mg/week. Found another alleged trainer, but he has been hit or miss for a few months now. Trying to find someone who is dependable and there for me when I need him has been tough.

Now, I am down 151lbs (228lbs) and I am working out 5 times a week. I love every moment of it and love seeing my body change. A friend I have made along the way through some other forums says I should be able to do my own plan now and I am underestimating my own ability. My current 'coach' has me on a stronger plan of Test e 500mg/week, Primo 300mg/week, EQ 500mg/week, Deca 300mg/week, Arimidex 3mg/week (1x1x1), Tirzepetide 5mg/week and HGH 5iu/daily. Been on this for 3 weeks now, planning for a 16 week cycle and if blood looks okay, extend to 24 weeks. Thoughts on this? I'm losing about 3-4lbs/week now, but according to my fancy scale, I am increasing skeletal muscle, and only fat is decreasing. For diet, I am on high protein (300g/day) in 6 meals, low carb (rice-like 100g preworkout and post workout).

I'm starting to see some growth, and filling out a little bit at a time. Holidays were tough as I was not near a gym for 2 weeks...but now I am back on track.

Glad to be here. If anyone has recommendations for online trainers who are dependable or based on what I am saying you feel like I can do it on my own...speak up.


Well-known member
You started a bit more than a year ago and you're on some really crazy stuff for professionals. are you training for Mr Olympia or something? and if you're indeed training and eating like that, with such a cycle and responding well to all of it, it's no wonder you decrease fat while gaining muscle. but it all seems too professional fo someone who started a year ago at 47 yo 379 lbs. Also, you lost 151 lbs in 15 months?


New member
You started a bit more than a year ago and you're on some really crazy stuff for professionals. are you training for Mr Olympia or something? and if you're indeed training and eating like that, with such a cycle and responding well to all of it, it's no wonder you decrease fat while gaining muscle. but it all seems too professional fo someone who started a year ago at 47 yo 379 lbs. Also, you lost 151 lbs in 15 months?
This is kind of what I was concerned about: it is too much for someone like me. I’m not training to compete or something.

But yes, 151lbs in 15 months. Power of Ozempic, dieting and focus.


Well-known member
Yeah ,i would ease off the amount you are using . It is your beginning stages of your journey . Your don't want to oversaturate your cells with a high mg of AAS . They absorb a lot more at this point then you might think. Less is better .If you get into this for more yrs then you can up the dosage . Also you have to keep your heart in mind . Its a muscle also . You don't want to damage it.