Offensive Avatars




Everyone should take this seriously. People need to respect each other on here. That makes a great board.




x2 and it will be ,or there fucking ass is out the door .!!!! And we ain't letting no haters in!!!! and i saw and dealt with these pussy behind the WALL , where society rules DO NOT APPLY !!!! and I'm hear so ,anyone thinks that don't speak volumes ,has no clue ...

but it wont happen here period!! ty dolpf for picking up on that I'm going 7 days a week rite now ,and got to pull myself into house PLAYING CATCH UP




my brother dolpf is a step ahead of me !!!! its just ppl dont know ,the true hate true whatever ...society shelters ppl... Go where no rules appl y. and go against the grain , and stand your ground.

want me to post ,about 20 STAB WOUNDS I WILL , because I'm the mother fucking beast that EARNED MY RESPECT !!! Uts just ppl out here dont understand and maybe its me that got it fcked up ....because after 6 or 7 years I think I'm finally getting domesticated :(((

took a life time




but i don't play the hate shit !!!! I treat a man as they treat me ,and woman , some of my best friends inside were Latino.!! Muslium.!! Black !! Indian !!! JEWISH !!!!

and anyone that can hate a person because of a color or nationality needs what I gave them inside !!!!!!!

and word on all my life and what I love that got it ,sorry brothers and sisters this topic hit a nerve and took me back !!!! I apologize for getting a little ahhhh PERSONAL but ......

end of story it wont happen here and ty DOLPF ,love you my brother ...we think alike.




I know that guy from another forum. Hes a good guy just a little rough around the edges. I think its good to respect other people and if you asked him to remove it really it was his choice. Ive been trying to figure out a good avatar myself. Woulnt be my calves that's for sure. LOL




Yea Sieg, I did 2 tours in our finest establishments. It changes you for life in a bad way. I am so over protective of my loved ones because they just don't know. I cant even walk into a restaurant without surveying the whole place and getting a plan if shit goes down.. Its sad.  I'm Glad that I'm focusing on being a better human being...


That Tren has you going : )



New member

Dolf said:
</p><p>I just permanently banned a fucktard for having an offensive avatar. Offensive avatars will not be tollerated, and if asked by a mod to change it "free speech" is not an acceptable answer. While MG does value different opinions it is not a democracy. We will not tolerate any offensive pics, avatars, or speech that includes, but is not limited to race, religion, or sex. Zero tolerance! Certain violations of this rule will no longer come with a courtesy pm to change, but will result in an instant permanent ban. No if's, and's, or but's about it. This is not a common problem thanks to the great and respectful 99.999% of the members we have.</p><p>
100% agreed!</p>