Probably overthinking but..


When I draw from the vile do I draw from the same spot each time or do I want to poke a few holes in the rubber part? If I inject EOD do I want 30 holes in the thing or just go for the same spot every time? I want to keep things sterile. I was actually going to delete this looking at the rubber part it's bigger than I remembered so don't think it matters.
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Well-known member
as long as you use a new needle every time, it doesn't matter.
better make sure to have different injection spots though.


Well-known member
I agree with HGH, it's probably safer to have multiple holes. I would imagine if you continue to try and poke the same hole over and over you would risk causing small pieces to break free from the rubber.


Well-known member
you’re dissecting things ; it’s fine dude. The only thing I’d suggest against is pre loading syringes for storage that the oil is sitting against the plunger; because some oils will disintegrate it. In that case make sure you keep a small air pocket between the actual oil and the rubber plunger .