Protein and carb intake

My protein/carb intake, to enable me to achieve a huge increase in size, but keep the body fat down and still biang able to see some some abbs/mean 1 10 egg whites,/ oats (with water). Meal 2 /. 2 chicken breasts/ red potatoes or sweet potato with broccoli meal 3 / 1 chicken breast or beef/cabbage/ meal 4 /tuna 2 tins /brown rice/meal 5 10 egg whites. Oats with water)
That's it ,basic consisting of 300 gra of protein and 450 gr carbs, just wounderd what anyone thinks of this, obviously training heavy and hard 6 days week hour and half sessions, with 1 hour cardio after training 5 times a week, plenty of rest, no junk, no alcohol, I do morning sessions,so can space my food out throughout the day,if I go anywhere I prepack food.later on I'll be split my training, and do cardio in evening, any feedback be appreciated, normally Carrey off season body weight of 290 to 300 pounds,


Well-known member
I know you have been lifting for 40 years and your knowledge supercedes mine I am sure. Seems though if you weigh 290-300 then 300 grams of protein although slot seems a little low. I take in 1.5-2 grams/lb. At 270lbs I try to hit 450-500 grams daily with same foods you mentioned just 2-3 shakes added to it. That's just what I do but in no way is saying it's better
I know you have been lifting for 40 years and your knowledge supercedes mine I am sure. Seems though if you weigh 290-300 then 300 grams of protein although slot seems a little low. I take in 1.5-2 grams/lb. At 270lbs I try to hit 450-500 grams daily with same foods you mentioned just 2-3 shakes added to it. That's just what I do but in no way is saying it's better
Hello welderman, yes I may increase by adding extra chicken ,that will put it up to about 400, and a p protein drink probably 2, puts it up to 500, won't increase carbs, want to get some condition this year, and lower body fat,what you think.