Review Posting times.




Are you guys talking about say if someone does a reply to this post I'm doing now and it is Kfizzle's forum thread? Like a reply to a response to someone who didn't start the thread not getting notified? 



New member

I like reading all fourms with sp aces in between sentences..... I re al ly helps m   e better s t a n d what I'm reading. Better y e t  it's a pain in the Ass. Ha ha ha ha ha ! I would edit this post but I don't want to start all over. ;-) 



New member

Its just me bro lol I don't get notification when someone replies to one of my comments or comments on a forum post I made. 




Kfizzle said:
</p><p>Its just me bro lol I don't get notification when someone replies to one of my comments or comments on a forum post I made. </p><p>
</p><p> </p><p>I didn't get a notification that you replied to this one. Not sure if I was supposed to or not, never have so I assumed not.</p><p> </p>



Kfizzle said:
</p><p>Only if your follow up notifications are turned on when you are in your profile settings</p><p>
</p><p>The checkbox for this is <span style="font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; line-height: 30px;">Receive content follow-up notification e-mails. Actually all the checkboxes are checked in mine. I actually never thought about it until this post but maybe if mine is doing the same it can somehow help diagnose what is going on.</span></p><p> </p>



You are making g me dizzy kp, lol. Ok let's find the origin of this problem. Please list your OS and confirm if you have the same issue on other OS platforms. 




You guys with notification issues please confirm that you are receiving zero notifications and not just ones in Q&A forum. Also state your OS and confirm that the issue is present with other OS platforms. 

Notification alert issues are few and far between, at least ones reported, so anyone else with ANY site issues post your feedback here >>>>>



New member

Trying a different browser today on my phone. Don't see how that would make a difference but worth a try. 




New member

Dude I use  apple and windows and android no problem.I don't think it's your browser. Did you try to create a new email like with Yahoo or gmail ?



New member

Yes I have tried that bro. I think a long ass time ago I accidently clicked the link in the email that says if you do not wish to receive these notifications ckick here. You know how it says click this link to go to the post and this one to turn off future notifications... maybe I don't know.
