

Morning its the zig,

You know I'm sitting here thinking ,about all the bros that use tren and get them drastic sides ,well I'm about 2 weeks into cycle ,and its A,and prop 'so I'm feeling all the good things ,but I'm like why no sides 

Here's my reasoning and correct me if I'm wrong bros ,and for the record I do know its only 2 week ,

1) insomnia ,well brothers ,I don't sleep anyway ,its been that way for the last year ,I mean I'll go to bed with wifey  around 10 or 11 and by ,1,2 3 the latest I'm down stairs watching TV and on line ,and I do cat nap off and on till ,5 ,so if I don't sleep anyway ,I wouldn't realize this side ::))

2) shortness of breath ,I also been having this over the last year or so ,allergies !! My wife's dodgy so I use all kinds of nasals and salines ,anyway ,so I wouldn't recognize this either :))

3 sweating ,I'm a sweaty pig all the time ,day night ,I go through a few shirts a night anyway :))

4) its funny my blood pressure is fine ,I can tell when elevated ,my head looks like a tomato lol

5) now acne is ,OK also,I'm getting a stray or 2 or 3 ,but that's test 

6) the wood ,::))) 

7) energy ::))))

8) well being ::))) 

So what I'm thinking is ,I probley have the tren sides ,but they don't bother me because ,the sides are my normal life ! But that's me now I do believe I have the tren ,cough ,its like a real dry ,cough ,that comes out of no where almost feels like something tickling throat ????

What you think ,and like I said I know its early cycle and trust me I'm not complacent ,I keep journals and I watch ,extremely everyday


Teh Bulk

New member

Tren cough will come right as you're injecting.. usually when you nick a vein it happens and in some cases it's not so bad but others you will feel like you're about to die LOL.. I had a coughing fit to the point I couldn't breath and I just laid in bed waiting for it to subside.

As for those nasty sides.. I don't really get them myself unless I run it too long.. 2 weeks just isn't enough time for it to really sink its teeth in.. around week 6 or 8 if your tren is good you should definitely notice shortness of breath at the very least.. and as for those mood swings welllllll you won't really notice how bad they are until AFTER you come off.. the lack of empathy will just creep up on you and it begins to just feel normal honestly.. I never really had trouble with my mood until my last cycle where I started mixing tren E and A together.. great results but damn I was an asshole =/

Be sure to give blood when you're done.. tren can really pump up your rbc




Lmao me to its good for weight ,not to mention I love them with a little garlic salt or powder ,,oh and butter 




siegmund said:
<p>Lmao me to its good for weight ,not to mention I love them with a little garlic salt or powder ,,oh and butter </p>
<p>my blood pressure went up reading that lol. I do love mashed potatoes tho. was a childhood favorite,</p>


New member

That's awesome bro I am a big fan of tren but have only ran enanthate. Honestly a little bit surprised by your answer. I have a lot of the same issues like the sleeplessness allergies and sweating and sometimes confused whether an issue is a side or other cause? I think I just thought of a forum topic.




Yes ,I can't tell if I have them sides I'm up every hour all night all the time ,even before cycle ,and sweating ,isn't to bad not at night ,
