Tennis elbow



I know the pain and agony brotha. Bere was my exact protocol 

Tennis elbow bracelet at all times except when sleeping. You have to find the right spot to put the bulge and cinch that fucker down tight.

OsteoBiflex Triple strength with msm

800mg motrin 3 times per day. (Although I have read that a study showed ibuprofen to actually hamper tendon repair) maybe try Aleve or get meloxicam from your doctor. It's an anti-inflammatory without a pain killer.


Higher reps lower weight to build up lactic acid.

I didn't do any type of curling exercises for 6 weeks. Tricep exercises didn't hurt, so I did do tri's. After 6 weeks I did light high rep curls. Reverse and hammer curls seemed to burt so I didn't do either of those when I started back training Bi's. Certain types of back moves also affected my elbow. Pullups were completely stopped because of the feel on my elbow and I only did neutral grip lat pulls. What I'm vetting at is everyone is different so if it causes more pain than other movements find something else for the time being.

Cortisone shots

It took me months to get to feeling right, and it'll probably hinder you from time to time for now on. Learn to catch it early and get on top of it.




behind it is that the earth magnets will draw blood into that area which will start the healing process. I was beyond skeptical but it worked never had it

since and im in an industry where that area is has them for like 25$ I had the strap

to but it literally was a turnakit band aid 


Big Nasty

New member

Wow. I will look through walmart this week. At my nutrition store I go to they had some for like 39 dollars so I didnt bat an eye. Maybe it had some other stuff in it but that was too much for me to consider with all the other shit I take. Supps add up over time that is for sure. Will look again for tumeric. 
