Test Flu


New member
Have you ever experienced a sudden onset of low grade fever, achy joints, fatigue, headache or even intermittent congestion at the beginning of a cycle or when switching to a new compound? Some know it as "Test Flu" although that is not an actual diagnosis in the AMA handbook. Most commonly, one would experience these symptoms (maybe not all or in a particular order) when using a short ester testosterone, like propionate. It can occur with with longer esters but not as likely as with something like sustanon or prop. The short esters are more alarming to your body as they have more of an immediate impact and are more immediately detected because of it. In just a few words, the science behind it is relatively simple. You have introduced an acid (ester) that has tipped the balance that your body works to maintain and now your immune system is trying to attack and/or expel the foreign invasion. The good news is that it only lasts a few days to a week or so. That same adaptation that we fight against to make us grow by adding stimuli is our friend here and will soon enough adapt to the influx of additional hormones. In the meanwhile, get some rest, be sure you are taking a multivitamin (which you should always), get some additional Vitamin C and some Zinc and stay hydrated. You'll be back and stronger than ever in no time.

There is a lot of literature and various "shares" out there regarding Test Flu. What are your experiences? Any advice? Any remedies?


New member
This is caused by the shock your body goes thru adjusting to testosterone, an increase of red blood cells is one of the reasons we some times get the test flu, with the dramatic increase of red blood cells to white blood cells, your immune system drops. It is always best to make sure your taking a good multivitamin to help boost your immune system. Keep in mind when you work out and you tear muscle, your bodys immune system will also drop due to the repairing of your muscles,