Hello guys an girls hope all is well.
I just finished a 8 week cycle of sus 250 tren ace and winny. Before that did test e deca and dbol. Using trt blast and cruise process.
I blew up on deca etc cycle from 205 to 230 but did have alot of bloating besides that it was fantastic. Then went into the tren ace etc cycle "after the cruise of course" on a calorie deficit low carb and cardio 4 days a week 5 day lifting program. Now I'm down to 212 can see my abs but still have a little bit of fat layer which I would love to lose also I'm way more muscular then before. I'm 6ft and was 195 before all the juice and trt. Also I take all the needed liver ai etc protection.
With that out of the way I would like to do 12 weeks of
test prop 300 a week
tren ace 400 a week
mast prop 400 a week
have caber ai's etc on hand
may do 6 weeks of anavar
The goal is to get rid of the small fat layer and obviously gain muscle.
Diet would be 200 calories deficit low carb 1.5g of protein perpound.
Training 10-12 reps adding super sets 5 days a week and 4 days of targeted cardio.
If you gurus would please critique this cycle it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you
I just finished a 8 week cycle of sus 250 tren ace and winny. Before that did test e deca and dbol. Using trt blast and cruise process.
I blew up on deca etc cycle from 205 to 230 but did have alot of bloating besides that it was fantastic. Then went into the tren ace etc cycle "after the cruise of course" on a calorie deficit low carb and cardio 4 days a week 5 day lifting program. Now I'm down to 212 can see my abs but still have a little bit of fat layer which I would love to lose also I'm way more muscular then before. I'm 6ft and was 195 before all the juice and trt. Also I take all the needed liver ai etc protection.
With that out of the way I would like to do 12 weeks of
test prop 300 a week
tren ace 400 a week
mast prop 400 a week
have caber ai's etc on hand
may do 6 weeks of anavar
The goal is to get rid of the small fat layer and obviously gain muscle.
Diet would be 200 calories deficit low carb 1.5g of protein perpound.
Training 10-12 reps adding super sets 5 days a week and 4 days of targeted cardio.
If you gurus would please critique this cycle it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you