What's the point in cycling and then go natty?


Well-known member

I have a question as a noob. What's the point in using gear to get big, then using PCT to get to your normal levels if you're gonna lose all the gainz cause I'm assuming the normal test levels isn't enough to keep all the extra muscles, correct me if I'm wrong.


Well-known member
Hey mate, welcome to the forum.
I’m just pretty new myself but basically it all comes down to long term and short term health.
If you’re young and you naturally produce the normal amount of testosterone then you can absolutely run a cycle, get some gains and then with a good pct, diet and exercise plan,maintain the majority of Those gains while your body systems recover. It also means you are not committed to injecting testosterone for the rest of your life.
If you aren’t producing enough test naturally then maybe TRT is the way to go, blasting and cruising, but like I said that is a rest of your life commitment.

There are a lot of smart guys on here and they will explain it better, but the main goal around here is to keep everyone safe and making smart decisions.


Well-known member
Fully agree with you @Rhino73 with everything you said up there.
When you're in TRT, you're still having much lower T levels, but it doesn't mean that you're going to lose all those gains (regardless of whether you're in TRT or going natural with a PCT). The point of PCT is to balance out your hormones and stay away from a sharp decrease in T levels which leads to a drastic decrease in muscles and an increase in fat.
Yeah, it is possible to lose some gains (again, with both PCT and TRT) after cycle, but with a proper lifestyle (workout, diet etc.) you're still capable to maintain most of the gains made.
On the other hand, if you're running a cycle with serious lifestyle (again, exercise plan, diet etc. etc.) and then you're dropping the use of steroids without a PCT plan and you don't follow the same workout plan and diet, is obvious you'll be losing gains made during the cycle


Well-known member
The point of going natty is to allow your body recover. during cycle, you increase levels of hormones drastically so everything works harder. This is great to gain strength, muscles, lose fat etc. but your body has to suffer. TRT is basically same PCT. But people on TRT can't get normal levels of testosterone naturally, while those who run PCT can, but they need a little assistance through PCT after the cycle.