When should i start PCT after my cycle and how long to continue it?


New member
I am currently about to start a cycle of 300mg testosterone ethanate for 12 weeks. I have read endlessly about PCT however I'm not getting much of a consensus as to if I should just start my PCT 2 weeks after my last pin or of I should wait until I my body and blood work tells me I need it. Thanks ahead of time for the responses


Well-known member
however I'm not getting much of a consensus as to if I should just start my PCT 2 weeks after my last pin or of I should wait until I my body and blood work tells me I need it.
well, it is because it is a combination of both. the reason why everyone (including me) tells you to wait 2 weeks after the last pin with Test E to start your PCT is that this is around the time that your body and blood work will tell you you need it. While it can vary a bit from one person to another (depending on different factors), it doesn't vary too much. That's why if you start PCT 2 weeks after the last pin, you won't be much wrong. The reason to start PCT 2 weeks after the last pin of Test E is because PCT must start when there's no suppressing compound in your system anymore (cleared the system). This is because your body restarts to produce natural testosterone again after no suppressive compound is in the system. Test E takes around 2 weeks to flush out.