Review Detail FeaturedHot
Steroids A alphamuscle
(Updated: November 30, -1)

Customer Support & Ordering Process

Customer service excellent, they reply to your email within few minutes.
Ordering process very easy by website

Delivery (T/A) & Packaging

Packages very discreet and well made (your stuff won't be damaged)
Tracking number provided (you can track your packages and see where they are right now)

Products Ordered

Test Depot eifelfango (medical grade)
Dbol onyx-pharma (very effective)
Deca Durabolin (Organon) best deca ever made
Test Cyp (OB) good product
Letrozole (new for me but it seems to work well)

Product Effects

Every single product I have ordered is 100% effective and authentic.
I use around 200mg of Deca a week, 200 test cyp a week and 30mg day of Dbol.
So how you can see not massive dosage but very effective for me.
I gained 6 kilos in around 8 weeks. Gret increase of power during my workout


I bought from for many years and I've never been disappointed by the quality of their products.
Fast shipping and a great communication is a big bonus to add.
I strongly reccomend to buy from

Do you recommend this supplier?

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