Review Detail

Steroids A anasteroids
(Updated: November 30, -1)

Customer Support & Ordering Process

Perfect as always! They are very easy to talk to and communicate with about their products. If you have any questions they can usually answer you immediately on their website if not they will get back to you very quickly. I have also spoken with them through email as well as currently on WhatsApp. They are very kind and honest and have definitely earned my trust over the years!

Delivery (T/A) & Packaging

Delivery was a little off track this time due to some very bad weather in my contacts location. It was in no way their fault at all, but right after the pack was sent out the airport and all flights were shut down for several days due to bad weather. I was in communication with them the entire time on WhatsApp and they even sent me a video of the terrible yet beautiful bad weather! As soon as the bad weather cleared out and the planes were up and running again my pack was on its way and it only took maybe 3 days to get from one side of the world to the other side! The packaging as always is perfect, he always likes to pack it with several several layers of different types of packing material yet it is always very stealth and tight and sleek. I have never had any broken vials or any damaged products from shipping from them ever! Everything has always been perfect and top-notch for every single one of my orders and that says a lot I've been ordering from them for years and I don't even order from anyone else anymore at all.

Products Ordered

Trenbolone enanthate/10 pack
Testosterone enanthate/10 pack plus 3 or 4 but who's counting?
Proviron/3 packs 25 mg 20 pills per pack
Cialis/one pack 100 mg 30 pills per pack
Dianabol/ two packs 10 mg 100 pills per pack

Product Effects

All these products I have ordered from them several times before except the dianabol tablets. So let's start with them shall we, they are great! I am currently taking 50 mg a day and have been taking it for about 4 days and I'm immediately noticing great pumps I feel more solid more full, like a tank!Oh and definitely my strength is up! Everything else is great and continues to do what is expected of them. The trenbolone is dark brown and very potent! You will get night sweats it will push out all of the water in your body! You will get super vascular. The testosterone as well as the trembolone is pharm grade and the Cialis and proviron are both name brand and work as expected perfectly! I'm not exaggerating at all they have perfect products and I have never been happier with their products and I have no reason to go anywhere else.


I can't say enough good things about anabolic iron pharma! They have never let me down and in fact I never ever worry about putting in an order in with them! I know it will get to me safe and perfect and fast and discreet every time! And I never ever worry about my money, I know it is always safe with them! You never have to worry about your money with them, it is always safe!

Do you recommend this supplier?

Yes, I do!
Owner's reply

Thank you very much I will always be fair here and none of my clients will lose their money I will be fair thank you again

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