Review Detail

Steroids A anasteroids
(Updated: November 30, -1)

Customer Support & Ordering Process

The customer support and ordering process is always very easy and efficient. I have ordered on their website several times as well as communicate through WhatsApp and put my order on there as well and either way he gets my order pulled and sent to me very fast. If I ever have any questions about anything or even just want to ask some opinions about something or what's going on where they live at or anything at all, he is very friendly and I can reach him on WhatsApp almost instantly but no later than 24 hours ever.

Delivery (T/A) & Packaging

They always send me a tracking number through WhatsApp. And then within a few days of my order it always reaches me from overseas. It's always very fast anywhere from a few days to maybe a week at the most for an international package that does not look suspicious and is packed very tight and very well every time. I have no complaints nothing ever looks suspicious I always get all of my products with a shipping packing list and a tracking number and everything is always perfect.

Products Ordered

5 Tren E
5 Test E
2 D-bol
2 Cialis
4 Proviron

Product Effects

All of these products I have ordered several times over the years from anabolic iron pharma. The products are always perfect and work as expected. They are genuine and never expired and always work as expected. The Tren E is very potent, night sweats, vivid dreams, crazy libido, everything you come to expect from real trend that is dose properly. I dosed 1 ml two times per week along with 1 ml of test e 2x per week. I also ran the D-bol at 50 mg per day. Now the D-bol and Test E caused me to hold some water weight but not really too much because clean diet and also running Tren E seemed kind of slush the water out or just not hold that much! Also the Cialis and the proviron work perfectly, the proviron makes you totally horny along with the Tren E and the Cialis make sure that all the machinery works properly as well! And I use his 100 mg Cialis that you can't even get in America! Five times as powerful as what you can get in America literally! I have no complaints with any of their products.


My overall review is 10 out of 10! They are truly the perfect supplier and I have never, ever considered leaving them, they have a customer for life!

Do you recommend this supplier?

Yes, I do!
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