Review Detail

Steroids A anasteroids
(Updated: November 30, -1)

Customer Support & Ordering Process

Always very easy. I have put in several orders with them over the years. If I have any questions about anything you can reach them directly through their website or I usually put my order in and send my questions to him on WhatsApp. They always respond immediately with any information I need to help me with my purchase. They are also very good about getting exactly what I need in my order and not making any mistakes or subbing out items.

Delivery (T/A) & Packaging

Delivery is awesome! He always sends me a tracking number whether I requested or not. So I am able to track my package from overseas all the way to my doorstep. My order usually never takes more than three or four days and at the latest maybe a week to a week and a half and that would be because of terrible weather or something like that preventing the package from being delivered. The packaging is always totally normal looking on the outside and you would have no idea what was in the inside of the package. But the packaging inside of the package is very strong and durable and usually wrapped several several times.I have never received a broken vial or anything damaged from them ever.

Products Ordered

1 D-bol
2 stano
2 Deca-200
3 Test-250

Product Effects

Everything works exactly as expected. These products are not Homebrew underground lab products. Almost everything he sells is either name brand or it comes from a factory production. I have never had any issues with any of his gear and everything you have ever heard about any steroid what the side effects are and what the benefits are actually happen exactly that way as long as I have ever used their products. I thought the winstrol tablets were exceptional, I felt and looked very dried out and vascular and just all around tightness and like a solid hard pump even when I was not working out. That was at 50 mg a day.


I can't say anything that I haven't said many many times before. They are actually just perfect! There is almost never ever any type of issue and if there were they would take care of it immediately! I have used them for over 4 years and they're my only supplier for many years now. I have tried many of their products and all of them have great benefits. They have a customer for life right here.

Do you recommend this supplier?

Yes, I do!
Rep: 11
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