Review Detail

Steroids A anasteroids
(Updated: November 30, -1)

Customer Support & Ordering Process

The customer support and ordering process is always very easy and perfect ,never an issue. You can put an order in on their website or chat with them on the website and they will respond immediately with any information to help you. I also speak with them directly on the WhatsApp program and put my orders in there directly.

Delivery (T/A) & Packaging

This is actually an older order and review for a package from last November of last year. There was some issues with The courier delivering the products from overseas to the United States and they were put on hold like two different times. It was not the fault of my contact and he ended up reshipping the exact same package and it was also put on hold and then both of the packages ended up being released and I received both of them! I did of course pay for the additional package and have ordered another package and received it since then that I will do a review on as well. I never doubted that the packages would eventually land and I trust my contact very much and we have done business for many years now and there has never been a problem ever before and this was not really a problem either it just ended up taking longer than normal or as expected. The packaging is always perfect and has never ever been an issue. The packaging always looks like a normal package from FedEx or UPS or DHL and everything is always packed in several layers of different packaging. I have never once had anything that was damaged or cracked or broken in all the time that I have ordered from him which is several years now.

Products Ordered

Test e 250
Tren e 200
Cabergoline 2mg
Aviva HGH

Product Effects

Most of these products are the name brand version and not generic and definitely not fake. I have ordered all of these products many times before except for the HGH and that will take 3 to 6 months to really find out how well it works or so that's what all the literature says that I have read. The testosterone and the trembolone are very powerful, you can actually taste the trembolone in your mouth when you inject it into your backside or your deltoid. I have definitely gotten the tren cough but not on every single injection and it's only for a few seconds, but it can be scary if you're not used to it! LOL the proviron is name brand made by Bayer and is absolutely top notch! In my opinion you only need one pill a day and it works like a charm. I use it to raise up my libido and it definitely works probably too well! The Cialis works on the blood flow basically making sure your machinery works after you take the proviron which makes you horny so that the blood will go to where it needs to go and work that's what the Cialis does. The combination of the two products will make you a crazy horny beast for sure! The cabergoline and the medicinal were for a friend but he has since called me back and wants to order more of both products and said that he was extremely happy with the results so there's that as well.


In my opinion he is a perfect supplier and we have a flawless business relationship. I have no reason to go anywhere else so I don't. I think he is really a good person and he takes his job very seriously and he appreciates the business. You can always trust your money with him and never have any worries of being ripped off or anything fraudulent ever happening. He is an honest supplier and what you see is what you get or actually if you don't see it he'll probably search it out and find it for you! LOL anyways I can't say enough good things about him and he will continue to get my business as long as I do this.

Do you recommend this supplier?

Yes, I do!
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