Review Detail

Steroids A anasteroids
(Updated: November 30, -1)

Customer Support & Ordering Process

Customer support is always very responsive from ordering process to package landing. Probably the best support I've ever received! Never worried about receiving package.

Delivery (T/A) & Packaging

Delivery was faster than expected despite being slowed by natural disaster. Packaging wasn't the best but still got everything landed in 1 piece.

Products Ordered

*Equitest 350
* Tbol

Product Effects

It was my first experience using Tbol and wasn't really impressed with results but I think I might have dosed to low. 20mgs x2 a day. Also, my first time running EQ with test and I've got to say the pumps are insane!! Currently on week 5 and really starting to get results! Very satisfied with quality of gear.


Very happy to have found this supplier! I was between sources and nervous about finding a new one but the process was very painless and prices cant be beat. There's two shipping options in case you're in a pinch and don't want to interrupt your cycle. But even regular shipping was faster than usual over seas delivery.

Do you recommend this supplier?

Yes, I do!
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