

ATTENTION: TRACKING WILL NO LONGER GIVEN UNLESS THERE IS AN ISSUE WITH YOUR ORDER In case my site goes down, I can always be reached and orders can be processed at the email below. We accept Western Union, Money Gram and Walmart 2 Walmart. Shipping within the US is $10.00, International prices may vary. If you have ANY questions, or my site goes down again, email me at [email protected], please. This email will always be valid PAYMENT INFO: Email me at [email protected] and I will provide you with payment instructions.

Thanks Tuff

BullyLabs.cc Reviews

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Customer Support & Ordering Process

I'm in my fifth year ( last month) of using Tuff's products...obviously with all the other gear providers our there I have been and remain happy with Tuffs stuff.

Delivery (T/A) & Packaging

Packages are always tight...bubble wrapped so no chance of damage.

Products Ordered

I've used test e many times along with cyp. Exactly what I would expect. Deca...again good product. I have just ordered EQ...first time here. On orals, dbol...no effect...even in my younger days dbol was never really effective on my body chemistry. Anadrol on the other hand was awesome.

Product Effects

Both of the test I've used cyp and e both did exactly as they should. Within a week hair getting oily, so much so my wife knows when I'm on because the pillow case gets a bit of oil where I lay my head...and nipples itchy...and nuts getting some atrophy :(. Deca...my knees feel so much better and I feel like I've got some cushioning going on. Muscular gains with T and deca have always been my favorite off season mix. Still are. Dianabol...not much of anything from dbol but anadrol kicked ass. I've never had a lot of results with dbol though.


I'm into my fifth year now with bully labs and Tuff...I continue to use his products because they work...it is easy to transact and has gotten more convenient the past year or so. I'll continue buying from Tuff as long as he's selling gear. If it ain't broke don't fix it..right? Btw, Tuff's a good guy to work with as well.

Do you recommend this supplier?

Yes, I do!
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Been running bully test c for about 10 weeks now and feel very very little diffefence also been taking Dbol for 10 days now and same feeling feel no pump and zero strength gains. Unfortunately I feel these products are junk 

Ive been running test c for ten weeks and also started running dbl for the past 10 days. The test i feel nothing at 500mg a week. The dbol i feel zero strength gains and zero effects. Zero sides. Zero strength gains
I am very disappointed at this source and my order with tuff.
This is the third different source I’m used from muscle gurus and both have been garbage I feel they only allow good reviews and banned users that write real reviews. I will never order from any site listed on this page.
Trash trash trash

Trash trash trash trash trash trash trash trash trash trash trash trash

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Always good news to hear!

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Just did my third order through Tuff and i can say this guy is legit. kinda under estimated on quantity of product i needed (Test E, and EQ) put in my order on a friday and recieved it by the next friday. First cycle i ran of his gear (Deca, Test E) was immaculate gained 17lbs of nice muscle wasnt as lean as i wanted to be but wasnt def not because of the gear my diet wasnt the best. Ran a Test E only cycle for 12 weeks with a nice balanced diet and hardcore heavy training and all i can say is wow my bench went up from 345lbs to 415lbs and squats are up to 365lb from 315 lbs. I will for sure continue to use his products.  Great guy but im sure when he sees my order he knows ill be annoying the crap out of him as i get bored and shoot him an email but he always responds and has a great sense of humor. 

Great gains up 17 lbs with unbelievable strength gain and very little to no water retention. No noticable sides minus slightly oily skin. Libido isnt through the roof as expected from running 600mg of test E a week but no complaints since im away for work 3-4 weeks at a time.
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My dude! From trt to cycles,ive found a winner!

No major sides,great gainsSo this is a review that i should have done a very long time ago(i never do reviews,just typically keep buying what ever im buying or i just quit effin with them but this is for real so necessary),so over due! I have ordered from Tuff some where around 6-8times now. From the very first order this dude has been amazing. Im terrible at following directions and lack super hard on email skills ect. I apologized to him after he had to reply to me more times than necessary and he was nothing but cool as funk about it. I am on trt and have no insurance so i decided to take a different route. I have been more than happy with the test products he has. (Cyp and Eth). The price difference is ridiculous,i was getting robbed from other sources. After seeing it was legit i ran a 12 at 6 a week and was very happy. Ive been using it as trt since(over a year),only sides are bacne but i sweat at work all day so im not surprised. Like most i bugged him about where my package was and if i did everything correctly on the order process for my first two orders(he might say i bugged him more than that:) Trust that when you work with him there is no reason to bother him until after at least 14 days of payment being recieved. Your chit will be there! From the first day i spoke with him(email) he said "i guarantee i am the most trust worthy dude youll deal with,and i know everyone says that"....hes not bullshittin. Always on time (usually 9 days) and super discreet. The ordering and payment process is effin amazing. I also ordered some Decca and whoooo,3 weeks in with T base and already seeing some really good things. Tuff, if u read this,i just want to say thank u again bossman and you know ill be getting at you soon:)
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Happy to be Bully Team Member.

Started Cyp/Deca cycle 300/300 every 5th day. After 4 weeks adjusted to 300/300 every 4th day and now I'm on 450/450 e. 4th day which is 900 T.Cyp + 900 Deca per 8 days. Power and size are increasing every workout. Bully potions seem to be really magical. Good luck to all muscle gurus.
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Hey bud, I've used this blend a couple times.  Right now I'm using half a ml eod with a half ml masteron.  Was using full ml but blood pressure skyrocketed.  I've definitely put on some size, strength is decent and I'm working around injuries.  This product is good in my opinion.  A full ml eod should get you some good results.  Keep in mind the test and tren are long esters and supposedly npp takes some time to be noticeable.  The only problem I have is I get this huge acne clusters on my scalp so I have to keep my hair longer than I'd like.  I've used multiple different labs and in my opinion this is the second best blend I've ever used behind a blend from Venom labs that was awesome.  Def worth the money. 


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Hey y'all! Hope everything's good your way. I just had some questions about a few different products from tuffs stuff if anyone has ever used them.

I'm mostly inquiring about the t.n.t. blend. I think I want to run this for the second half of my cycle but I was just curious as to if anyone has ever made use of this blend and how it faired for them.

Thanks so much!

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I got an email from Tuff he said  he has to have emergency surgery

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Tuff I'm emailing you and getting no response bro. Are you getting my emails?

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In the time I have been here at MG I have repeatedly seen you to do the right thing. Your integrity is never in question and your loyal following is evidence of your commitment to quality and longevity. Members.... always check your spam folder. ;)

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I dont know if this has always been a problem, or, just as of late. When i send out email notification order has shipped, it has been going to customers Spam folder. So for 3-4 days they dont hear from me or even have a clue as to whats going on with their order. Main thing, I suppose, is that they get it and in a timely manner.

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Thanks for the support, Amigo

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Naw, its all good. You had every right to complain, i was wayyyy behind. Trying to communicate with overseas tech support. Man they speak worse English than i do, or on a par level. Glad we got yiu squared away

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your right ,

also noone said his concerns were not justifed , i was just easing his mind , because a newbe can be nervouse because the hole process is new to them . and your correct ,that tuff should contact if a delay.  

peace my friend talk to you later.  


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I received everything today. Thanks for response 


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Tuff is the man. Sorry for ever doubting you .

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To be fair to the rest of the members Tuff should let members know any special delivery delays based on his busy schedule. If the members claim is true concerning this delay and others reported it is way outside what we expect from a domestic. We know Tuff... new members don't so when there is a hiccup the concern is justified.

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also my friend. ,

just to ease your mind. , i know tuff for years , hes been here for years. ,, his gear is consistant , and its good. ,, 1 thing i always said and tuff knows it hes a good friend. ..   sometimes his shipping is not on point. ,,  also tuff is alone. this is not his full time thing. ..  so i understand your frustration on the sisuoation.  but i assure you.   , he will take care of you.  ..

if you put a egit order in.i promise you tuff will make right. 

bro we all have lifes. i just pray tuffs alright. and no major emergency.  because hes usually on point.  , ,, 

if you dont receive something by end of weekend. ill see if i can get him,,   but like i said tuff has been family hes stright up.   send me a fr.  and pm me. if needed ty.   


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Reach out to admin or a moderator. Many of us live in an unfriendly steroid country. If you do too you need to be more cautious in the future.

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Complete mistake..not sure how to change my user name. Thanks though . 

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IF THATS YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS , REMOVE IT  PLEASE. ,   for your safety , you placed order and giving the world your email address ?? 

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ddouble post 

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Can u give us an update on ur site bro?

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Lol, soft hands and broad shoulders are also always appreciated!

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Been on here a bit, and there's really only a couple sources I'm tempted to experiment with... Tuff is one of them, time will tell I guess...

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But we KNOW you brother & you’re always the same. There’s always someone wanting a free ride. Your gear is probably bunk cause he’s eating like crap & not getting the results he wants ... smh

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That might be true but that doesn't change the fact that I have really soft hands if needed when the tears are flowing. ;) Reliable sources are always appreciated.... thanks Tuff.

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Tuff? Are you kidding, im as kind hearted as they come!

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In his defense, he did run it almost 3 weeks. Thats the deal though, pist a review, but dont try and blackmail me into free gear

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