Review Detail FeaturedHot
Steroids S suppsforlife
(Updated: November 30, -1)
Overall rating
Product Quality
Pricing & Offers
Ordering Process
Delivery & Packaging
Customer Service

Customer Support & Ordering Process

The customer support and ordering process was smooth and easy. They usually take roughly 24 hours to get back to you if not less than that but they ALWAYS get back to you. These guys are AMAZING! Highly Recommend.

Delivery (T/A) & Packaging

I have only ordered from US facing warehouses which means that every package I received was sent USPS. They give you the tracking number which allows you to be alerted whenever your package moves. So from the time your package is picked up by USPS to the time it's in your mailbox you will know, every step of the way. Highly Recommend.

Products Ordered

So far I have ordered 7 products. I have ordered Test C x2, Winstrol x2, Masteron P, Nolvadex and Airmadex. Highly Recommend.

Product Effects

So I have been out of the 'game' for some time now and decided to run a cycle (or two). The ENERGY is amazing from these products. I definitely notice the pumps are extreme and legit when I go to the gym. From the winstrol, my joints are definitely drying out as I can feel them more painful now than before (which is good and bad lol). Highly Recommend.


Here is my overall review of this site: I HIGHLY RECOMMEND (if you couldn't tell already lol) these guys for your anabolic needs because they are the real deal. I waited not only until I received the products but until I tried them to write a review. The reason for this is because I was skeptical as s*** at first about ordering stuff online but I promise you if you order with these guys you will not regret it. I have 0 affiliation with them I am just a satisfied customer looking to help other potential customers. They have an awesome cash back reward system that gives you some money back on every purchase you make. You can use that for a discount on your next order OR you can save all of your cash back rewards until you have enough saved to buy an entire order! That's right, you can use your cash back rewards to make an entire purchase (if you have enough saved)!!! These guys are not only legitimate but they are also extremely knowledgeable. I have had many many of my questions answered by one of their reps. Very nice, professional guy who knows his stuff about his products and what they do. (not to mention some of the members of muscle gurus, those guys are great to!). I hope this helps anyone looking to make a purchase in the future because in my opinion it's Supps-For-Life all the way!!!!

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