NEW BEE, ptc needed?

even when i do take 30mg test propio per day i am not so horny to fuck every day. my sex drive start to by high when i take 50mg per day.

Maybe i am to old. i am i like to get a blowjob befor bed sleep time but often i am to exausted for long sex.


Well-known member
i have to stop cardio and start fucking every day. this cardio make me tierred. now i understand. thanks Bro.

I'm always on test and mast. Mast is part of my trt. My sex drive is... Unstoppable! If I go 24 hours without it... I turn into a 190lb toddler throwing a tantrum πŸ˜‚πŸ€£.
Luckily my girl has not only a very high sex drive, but when she's not in the mood or out of commission for a week... She's willing to offer up... Other parts of her body. And I'm so fucking horny I don't care what that body part is... Mouth, ass, feet... Fuckin back of knee... It all gets the job done πŸ€£πŸ˜‚.

If you are going to do cardio, doing it first thing in the morning is the best bet. Again it doesn't have to be anything crazy. But doing it in the morning will get you up and ready for the day without making you tired.
Instead of waking up, working all day and then doing cardio... You're going to be too tired to lift or other shit.
But if you do light cardio in the morning it carries you throughout the day.

I wake up at 4:30am. Ride my bike for 20 minutes to work. Work an extremely physical job. Not uncommon for my step counter to be over 30k from work alone. Leave work at 2pm. Then ride my bike home, workout for an hour or so by 3:30 I'm usually done and out the shower. Then it's family time spending time with my girl. Either going for walks with our dogs or hikes by ourselves. Tuesday when it was nice we walked 6 miles up and down a mountain. Usually home around 6:30-7 for dinner and another shower. In bed by 9, sex and trying to be asleep by 10:30pm. Rinse recycle and repeat. Some days are different if I have my kids... But even if we have the kids is usually outside playing at a park.

I'm like a fucking shark... From the moment I wake up I do not stop moving! Hell the only time I sit down is either on my bike or when I'm going to the bathroom πŸ˜‚πŸ€£.

But my extremely active lifestyle is why it's so hard for me to put on weight! I eat 3-3.5k calories every day and I'm stuck around 190lb. I need to add another 1000k... But finding the time to actually eat is the problem.


Well-known member
I'm always on test and mast. Mast is part of my trt. My sex drive is... Unstoppable! If I go 24 hours without it... I turn into a 190lb toddler throwing a tantrum πŸ˜‚πŸ€£.
Luckily my girl has not only a very high sex drive, but when she's not in the mood or out of commission for a week... She's willing to offer up... Other parts of her body. And I'm so fucking horny I don't care what that body part is... Mouth, ass, feet... Fuckin back of knee... It all gets the job done πŸ€£πŸ˜‚.

If you are going to do cardio, doing it first thing in the morning is the best bet. Again it doesn't have to be anything crazy. But doing it in the morning will get you up and ready for the day without making you tired.
Instead of waking up, working all day and then doing cardio... You're going to be too tired to lift or other shit.
But if you do light cardio in the morning it carries you throughout the day.

I wake up at 4:30am. Ride my bike for 20 minutes to work. Work an extremely physical job. Not uncommon for my step counter to be over 30k from work alone. Leave work at 2pm. Then ride my bike home, workout for an hour or so by 3:30 I'm usually done and out the shower. Then it's family time spending time with my girl. Either going for walks with our dogs or hikes by ourselves. Tuesday when it was nice we walked 6 miles up and down a mountain. Usually home around 6:30-7 for dinner and another shower. In bed by 9, sex and trying to be asleep by 10:30pm. Rinse recycle and repeat. Some days are different if I have my kids... But even if we have the kids is usually outside playing at a park.

I'm like a fucking shark... From the moment I wake up I do not stop moving! Hell the only time I sit down is either on my bike or when I'm going to the bathroom πŸ˜‚πŸ€£.

But my extremely active lifestyle is why it's so hard for me to put on weight! I eat 3-3.5k calories every day and I'm stuck around 190lb. I need to add another 1000k... But finding the time to actually eat is the problem.
try and get that extra 1000k, you could do it if you eat mcdonalds but i know you wont eat like that. do u take any thyriod drugs gainz to " cut you up" as they can burn alot of cal. i take 225mcg of synthriod and 50mcg of cytomel. i got tons of thyroid drugs as i had my pituitary removed, so iam on for life. hope you get to your ideal weight gainz. ill pray for you.


Well-known member
try to stop for a month or two while eating the same. you'll easily add weight
I don't think I can... Especially with the nice weather.
After my little brothers wedding I'm going to try and double down on the food. Really push myself to eat like never before... I just have to wait a little while longer. Already got fitted for the tuxedo and Im not trying to pay again for more alterations.
So after May 11th... I'm gonna start force feeding myself


Well-known member
maybe try some dirty bulking foodstuff? like pizza, burgers and others. I mean, they are not really for bodybuilding, but they are definitely going to make you add some inches, although you'll lose some definition
I don't think I can... Especially with the nice weather.
After my little brothers wedding I'm going to try and double down on the food. Really push myself to eat like never before... I just have to wait a little while longer. Already got fitted for the tuxedo and Im not trying to pay again for more alterations.
So after May 11th... I'm gonna start force feeding myself
I got you you bro. While doing 30k steps per day plus training and beeing walking outside white friends, wife or familiy, their is no space for growth. On the other side it is difficult to stop the activities because they are a part of you. The only thing is to accapt the weight you have or force youself to eat. I cut little bit the cardio and it is working well for me know but during the past when i did lot of cardio i did eat sweats and all the junk foot just to receive the kcal i burned through the day. It is easier to eat 100g of nuts with a shocko bar instead of 300g of rice and 200g of chicken.
Too not lose weight i did eat any kind of sweets but when i look back it was also a nice expierience to do all the sweets without consequences. haahahhahahha


Well-known member
So I got some good news... But also some kind of bad news.
I work at a country club, maintaining the golf course. So daily I do everything needed to make a few hundred acres look pretty. Plus lately we've been doing a lot remodeling and building projects.
Unfortunately something above my pay grade happened and they are a little short on money this year.
This is good and bad... Bad because less people equals more work for me. But good because if we have less people... I spend more time on a mower than doing the building and landscaping side.
Since I'm definitely the "Bull" at work my boss has me help him with the digging, tree removal and all the physical shit while he sends the older guys on the mowers. But 2 of them aren't coming back, and he's not planning on replacing them any time soon.

So it looks like my job just got a lot easier... But a lot more boring at the same time. I'm not built for sitting on a mower all day, but when I am on the mower I can eat all I want. So... Good and bad news.
We just went from a crew of 7-8 to a crew of 3-4
Perfect condition to eat additional 400g rice and 400g chicken. so twice during the work time sit on the mover and eat :)
The mover need a sticker that say "MASS MASHINE"

I am learning now to add rest days to my every day life.

By the way, How much primo do you guy recomend as a moderat dosage? I will receive my primo soon and want to ask how much the average peerson take? I think it is a enanthate ester so i will take 150mg every 5 days? What do you think about the dosage?



Well-known member
Perfect condition to eat additional 400g rice and 400g chicken. so twice during the work time sit on the mover and eat :)
The mover need a sticker that say "MASS MASHINE"

I am learning now to add rest days to my every day life.

By the way, How much primo do you guy recomend as a moderat dosage? I will receive my primo soon and want to ask how much the average peerson take? I think it is a enanthate ester so i will take 150mg every 5 days? What do you think about the dosage?


Haha... Everyone at work calls me "wreck it Ralph, big guy or fat ass"
Even though I'm by far the only one in shape πŸ˜‚πŸ€£.
But mass machine is fuckin hilarious... I might have to make that decal πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£.

And yeah rest days are extremely important... Especially for gaining size.

And primo... It really depends on what you want from it. But an effective dose is 150-300mg.... And up.
Honestly don't see the need to run primo any higher than 400mg. But that's only because of some article I read.. and because of how expensive it is.

But all enanthates should be injected twice a week.
The half life is 3.5days.
Hence why some guys inject every 3 days, and others inject every Monday and Thursday. (Close enough)
The only compound you really don't have to inject twice a week or more (more would be, base, pro, ace...) is deca. Deca has an extremely long ester and half life so injecting once a week is fine.
I run
130mg of test e
100mg of mast e
90mg of deca every week for my trt.
Monday is 65mg of test, 50mg of mast and 90mg of deca. Thursday is the other 65mg of test and 50mg of mast.


Well-known member
Catching my girl up on some of the forum stuff... πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚.
I really wish I could share the voice messages πŸ˜‚πŸ€£
But you get the point
(She's worse than I am πŸ€£πŸ˜‚)


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It will be the first enanthate ester i will ever try. 150mg of methenolone every 3 days means i will have 50mg per day if it would be a short ester. Ok

Decided, I will take 150mg every 3 day of primo (500mg per 10days)

How does methenolone enathate works for you? What are your opinions about how it works and what it does?

Test propio made me swallon and i was full with water and i gained 4kg quit fast (most of it water i guess)
I needed around 3weeks until i got used to my anger and high potetial of agression and after 3weeks it was fine but during the first time i felt the testo making me angry about small things.

Drost propionate made me strong and gave me definition. I felt like could press or pump 10kg more after first injection.

Oxandrololone made or make me hard/ripped and i got even more definition ( but also pimples on the back :) ) I think the pimples are because it is a oral steroid and liver toxic. Someone told me here to obtain liver protection tablets and i did (liver and bille metabolism detoxication)


Well-known member
Primo will put some size on you, but also make your muscles look fuller and dry.

I haven't ran primo yet... I have it, but I'm waiting for my summer blast.

200-300mg of milk thistle will help with liver support for anadrol.

And brother... Between the test and mast... I don't need any extra edge.
I'm already impossibly horny... If it gets any worse I'd be concerned for my girls safety πŸ€£πŸ˜‚