Hgh and traveling around the country on a airplane for work.


Active member
Im going to be running HGH probably for 3-6 months. I just started a job and we are traveling around the United States and taking flights to different states. Sometimes we do drive. How can I go about getting some insulin labels and how to throw a kit together looking like it's for diabetes šŸ˜† a friend said I could find my answers here


Well-known member
as far as I can understand you have no rx?
not sure how to get the insulin labels, you may need to get some actual insulin for that.

Crazy Eddie

Well-known member
My close friend and coworker doesnā€™t have a script and he just puts his gear in his checked luggage, or in his carry on in his toiletries bag. He says he never gets it taken or anything. And Iā€™ve traveled with him before for work. Iā€™ve seen him pack the shit up.

Meanwhile TSA FUCKING FAGGOTS. Are over here sweating me for a fucking climbing rope and a god damn blue tooth speaker in my bag. Talking bout ā€œexplosivesā€ šŸ˜†
Like you dip shots just x-rayed my bag and told me what was in there, without even knowing or opening my bag. Now you want to toss all my shit up to confirm what you just seen on your stupid machine.

I swear to god if you or anyone of your family works for TSA( which is an absolutely fucking useless entity!!) I already hate your guts! šŸ˜†


Well-known member
you can get insulin otc in new york its 25$ a 10ml vial , if that helps since your traveling.

Crazy Eddie

Well-known member
This is straight off the TSA website


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