Proviron while on cycle


Well-known member
Ive never used proviron. Im hearing some say use it through your cycle and some say use it in PCT. what is the advantage of using it on cycle? can I use proviron and and IA during my cycle?


Well-known member
As just a PCT no you would need atleast add clomid.

Proviron is that one nice oral you can just itself, you still need a PCT after aka add Clomid. Or do a Proviron clomid cycle, but dont crash your whatch it.

Alot of builders and pros use it as a gap between cycles. It does block some estro but the affects on the sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG), proviron allows the body to have more freeing test so yes on or off cycle this is a + and I recomand in any cycle. If your using Proviron in a cycle and an estro blocker be careful not to crash your estro Provion does block estogen.

Proviron really isnt a steriod it's right there but it doesnt quite reach the anabolic state on the androgen receptors it's close but it's not like dbol,tbol etc. The key to Proviron again is the effects on SHBG, 3bHSD etc.(science shit I try my best to keep that out) and the ability to block estorgen in the body and help with free testosterone.

So in short you need minimum 50mg a day I like 75mg 25mg 4 times a day.. so short answer Proviron would naturally lead to higher yield of whatever testosterone product you stack it with..


Well-known member
yes thats why I was wanting to take it. I know it binds to SHBG and helps free up testosterone. I just wasnt sure if I could run that and arimidex. I guess what youre saying is that I can but to be careful. Can I use Proviron through my whole cycle?


Well-known member
Yes to all Papa. You can Run Proviron up to 18-20 weeks. So your good, just watch your Estor levels. I would start with no Adex and if you start to fill a little in your nipples than take some Adex but like .25mg every 3rd day maybe even 4th day. Your not new to the game you no your body. So the only thing you need to worry about is not to crash your estro. so you good.


Well-known member
yes sir. i know my body now for sure. and i think even adding masteron then I may not even need adex. but I have all those things on hand at all times. thanks for the info brother


Well-known member
If your adding Mast to you cycle you good, dont even touch the Adex.. It should just sit on the shelf, for next cycle or just have on standby.
Whats your cycle breakdown?


Well-known member
i havent started yet. i just stopped a deca test cycle so im waiting until maybe may to do the mast cycle. but i was thinking test, mast, primo. not real sure yet.


Well-known member
once you have it all let me no we will set you up :) if you want a different way of running your cycle.


Well-known member
Proviron is a great addition to any stack! Last time I took it on top of my cycle I was a horny toad looking to bang any girl that walks by...I know this sounds bizzaro, but it also made my pre-ejaculation fluid much more abundant & bigger loads. I heard Porn guys used to take it back in the 70's for that. Anyway, I personally don't like it for PCT because its a very mild steroid, but cruising or bridging it's ok.