Recent content by kawalaci

  1. kawalaci


  2. kawalaci Customer Discussions

    I write my opinion because I have been using steroids for 15 years and I know what it's like when something works and what it's like when I'm impotent from a brand !! This brand Driada didn't show any results for literally made me zero! I have already bought several types of active...
  3. kawalaci Customer Discussions

    hey guys these are very hot product..after the product test i think the best on the market both in price and quality .... i finally found a fair lab
  4. kawalaci Customer Discussions

    thank you very much I received the package I am very happy! I have never encountered such great products congratulations to the factory!
  5. kawalaci

    THANK YOU I just received the package I am very happy! I have never encountered such great...

    THANK YOU I just received the package I am very happy! I have never encountered such great products congratulations to the factory!